Friday, February 15, 2013

Graphic Novels @ Fed Square

Happening: Federation Square Book Fair
When: Tomorrow ( 16 February 2013)
Where: The Atrium, Federation Square Melbourne.
Time: 11am - 5 pm

Graphic Novels @ Fed Square is a recent initative from Second Shore Publisher Phil Bentley and Melbourne cartoonist Bruce Mutard, once a month they will be tabling at the Fed Square Book Fair alongside numerous book dealers and other authors. Bruce will have a selection of his back catalogue, The Sacrifice, Stripshow, The Silence and his last few copies of The Bunker as well as a selection of prints. Phil will have a selection of Second Shore publications and assorted works by local cartoonists. Phil and Bruce expect to rotate in other publishers and cartoonists in forthcoming months with Hidden Author Mirranda Burton in attendance tomorrow with copies of her book and prints.

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