Friday, February 8, 2013

Sticky Institute Zine Fair: Victoria Drug Scene

Simon Hanselmann's "Australian" anthology, Victoria Drug Scene issue one.

From Girl Mountain:

VICTORIA DRUG SCENE issue one. officially launching this Sunday, the 10th, in the Melbourne city hall, at the zine fair therein. I made an “Australian” anthology. highlights include: 9 pages of new megg and mogg, a 12 page html flowers epic, new work from lashna tuschewski, michael hawkins, marc pearson + many more awesome people + special international guest josie mairead king edwards (who, if this were a reality television contest and not a zine, would have won). 76 pages. cheap xerox. 200 copies. numbered. (available soon for online international orders through

Hanselmann will have a fine selection of offerings at the Zine fair this Sunday, previews here.

..and geez louise get your hands on a beautiful Hanselmann broadsheet courtesy of Floating World Comics.


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