Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jim Dexter - Picture News 1940

Picture News was first published on Nov 4th 1939. Les Such, William Heaslip, M. Roberts, R M Younger and Alex Gurney all featured in the pages of Picture News. Gurney's signature wartime cartoon Bluey and Curly debuted in Picture News in 1939. Bluey and Curley outlasted Gurney's death in 1955 with Howard Norman Rice succeeding Gurney on art chores until his untimely death in a car accident on new years Eve 1956. Les Dixon took over Bluey and Curley in 1957, drawing the strip until 1975.

 Alan Marshall and John Elliot

The September 1st 1940 Issue of Picture News previewed a new 'All Australian Comic Strip Jim Dexter', which would be debuting the following week. Below is the first installment of Jim Dexter and a profile of creators, writer Alan Marshall and artist John Elliot.

Click for large view


  1. When you mention, "William Heaslip" do you mean the artist/illustrator? I would love to know if he did artwork for this magazine as he was my Honey Pie's grandfather.

  2. It may be the same William Heaslip. The Heaslip you knew was he a Canadian that worked on American magazines? There is no reference to where Heaslip comes from in this magazine although he is referred to as 'our artist' in an article showing his wartime illustrations. It may be a case of Heaslip's work in this magazine was acquired for reprinting from an American publication.
