Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paper Trail

TONIGHT IN MELBOURNE: Sam Wallman's Pen Erases Paper exhibition and book launch.

Sam Orchard tumblr.

Darian Zam's faceboook group History Always Repeats: Remembering New Zealand
dedicated to vintage New Zealand pop culture features many gems of cartooning and commercial art including what I think is an A S Paterson children's book (I don't think that's a Paterson cover) I've never seen before.

Also some classic Marvel comic & gum packs. 

Pepi Ronalds writes about the Caravan of Comics currently traversing Canada and America.

Applications for the 2013 Auckland Zinefest close June 1st.

Robo Squid Inc. present a comic related exhibition in Wellington through late May and June.

Howard Johnson lyrics in comic form on Zen Pencils.

Those crazy kids at Squishface Studios are having another Exhibition in June.

Sarah Laing's Possum - part one, part two, part three.

In the lead up to last weeks Chromacon event in Auckland online magazine Vanguardred conducted some Q and A's with featured exhibitors. Visit the site archives for the all of them, here's a few, Toby Morris, Sophie Oiseau, Matt Emery, Jesca Marisa, and Michel Mulipola.

From last weekend's Chromacon in Auckland, Two elder statesmen of New Zealand comics, Tim Bollinger and Barry Linton.

 Paper Trail masthead courtesy of Toby Morris.

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