Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013 in Review: Ryan K. Lindsay

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2013?
Having issues on 3 different projects all start coming out was probably the comic making highlight (I released FATHERHOOD, my one-shot through Challenger Comics; GHOST TOWN through Action Lab's Danger Zone imprint; and the MY LITTLE PONY RAINBOW DASH one-shot through IDW). Seeing a lot of hard work drop in the one year was a highlight and I hope to keep it all moving along nicely. I would also list traveling to Seattle for the Emerald City Comic Con in March a highlight as I got to finally meet a lot of really awesome people, have a few drinks, and chat for real.

What are some of the comics/cartoonists you've enjoyed in 2013?
We're in a golden age of great comics right now and I'm stoked to be a reader amongst such quality. I've really dug on HAWKEYE, THE MASSIVE, SEX CRIMINALS, THE PRIVATE EYE, FIVE GHOSTS, EAST OF WEST, DAREDEVIL, THE WAKE, TRILLIUM, BATMAN '66, FATALE, STRANGE NATION, RAT QUEENS, SHELTERED, HIGH CRIMES, as well as smaller things like Ryan Ferrier and Chris Peterson's ULTRANOVA, and Louie Joyce's very recent A LIFE IN THE CITY.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2013? 
Having my second child in February certainly ranks as a highlight. I super dug Stephen King's Hard Case Crime pulp JOYLAND, and I'm a ways into DOCTOR SLEEP which is shaping up to be pretty good. BREAKING BAD ended the only way it could. I discovered Spotify and through it a whole mess of rad new tunes (the OST to ENTER THE DRAGON being on the highest rotation). And PACFIC RIM was the place to send my heart to have fun this year.

What are you looking forward to in 2014?
I have two miniseries greenlit for 2014 - neither of which I can talk about but they are with insanely talented artists who are making the work look far better than it had any right to coming out of my head. I'm also putting together some DIY one-shot type stuff that I'm super excited about. The trade for GHOST TOWN should drop around March. I'll be attending a few conventions and am looking forward to getting around Australia to put some stories into hands, chat copious amounts of Daredevil with people, and just enjoy the rad atmosphere that comics people bring with them. 2014 is going to be another superb year of reading great comics, writing some new material, and having loads of fun with my family.

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