Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Paper Trail

Peter Dornauf writes about Comic Artists in Hamilton.

Thinking is hard.

The Adventures of Tintin Contact.

Bright Threadz #7.

Die Popular: Summer Advice Series.

Rob Clough reviews Faction Volume One.

Pop Culture 1945 to present at the Australian Cartoon Museum.

Karl Wills teases a new collaboration with Timothy Kidd.

Sam Cooney collaboration with Katie Parrish.

Slow News Day: Book shelved in wrong section.

Just Indie Comics reviews Life Zone.

It ain't comics but what what: Andrew Nette writes about the closing of second bookshops in Melbourne. 

Nat Karmichael writes about recent and future Comicoz publications.

Throwing up a few illustration and comics galleries this week:

  Russell Clark

Des Condon

 Conrad Freiboe

 Phil Belbin Cavalcade Illustrations

Paper Trail masthead courtesy of Toby Morris.

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