Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Paper Trail

The Lifted Brow 7th Anniversary party tomorrow in Melbourne.

Ben Juers Comics.

Brighten up your day at DIE POPULAR.

Matt Huynh Comic Book Launch and Exhibition for MA in Sydney, Wed 5th Feb.

Kiwiman Comics.

Sarah Laing's Radio part 3 and part 4.

Salary Man Comics.

Tricky Walsh's Hoppers.

Nicola Scott Profile.

Daniel Best writes about arguably Australia's first comic Vumps.

Nat Karmichael on production of Monty Wedd's Ned Kelly and Rob Feldman's Cartoons, Cars and Cows in Cars.

 Free Download: Home Brew Vampire Bullets #0

Emmet O'Cuana and Ryan Huff discuss a selection of Australian comics from 2013.

Comics masterclass interview Karen Beilharz.

The Phantom Podcast interviews Bradley Peach discussing the forthcoming exhibition of his Phantom collection in Aulbry, NSW.

Paper Trail masthead courtesy of Toby Morris.

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