Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Peter Foster

I'm preparing a longer piece on Australian cartoonist Peter Foster but I thought it'd be interesting to contrast two bio's I have for him. The first is from Challenge No. 4, an educational journal from 1978 featuring stories, articles, cartoons and games. The second is from almost twenty years later is from Ballantyne No.1, self-published in 1996. This volume collected strips from his Sydney Sunday Sun Herald collaboration with James H. Kemsley. In between these two publications Foster worked in England for DC Thomson and IPC as well as illustrating a graphic novel version of the Australian classic For The Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke published in 1986.


  1. Pete Foster was a friend of my Dad's, his house used to be on my route to primary school (a school which stocked readers which had some of his kids comics in them). He often used to wave me into his studio and lent me comics and showed me his amazing - leaning work desk!! He's a really nice bloke - He has retired now but still reads comics.

  2. Hey Joshua,

    Thanks for your comments, I've had some great conversations with Peter and hope to write a comprehensive coverage of his career in the next month or two. I'll pass on your regards to him.


