Cory Mathis
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
Some local talent - Karl Wills' Princess Seppuku
and James Davidson's, Moa. I get totally amped when I discover great
stuff being made locally. From overseas, James Stokoe's Orc Stain
graphic novel was a wonderful gift from a friend in the States and I'm
getting awful excited about Mike Mignola getting back into drawing the
next Hellboy arc. Also found the original Nausicaa paperbacks which have
completely blown me away.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
I play a few video-games and I am finding it
exciting the amount of original quirky games coming out by
smaller independent studios. The PS3 game, Journey was a particular
highlight for me.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
I've been getting into a fair bit of dip-pen inking and
watercolours, just to balance out all the digital work. That and
pushing myself to use more colour and keeping at the figure studies -
yip, student life. I think the most important thing I've done is really
slow down and take my time with things, both reading and creating. I
have a habit of power-reading and churning out pictures then regretting
it later.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Bringing it all together! That, and an
illustration show early next year. I am working on a series of pieces
that has nothing to do with dinosaurs!

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