Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 in Review: Darren Koziol

 Darren Koziol

What have been your personal publishing/comics highlights of 2012?

Personal comic highlights of 2012 for me have been putting out 3 great issues of DECAY, including the very popular "CTHULHU" and "END OF THE WORLD" issues, now with 40% colour in every issue. Attending comic book conventions around Australia, including the new Oz Comic Con, and meeting and networking with more and more creators and fans has made the year rewarding. Seeing other Aussie creators putting out their own comic books and my all time favourite comic book 2000AD reaching 1800 issues has been great to see. And Judge Dredd being made into an awesome movie with the best 3-D so far of any movie I've seen: brilliant. Dave Follett winning the Australian Stanley Award for 'best comic book artist' for his work on the short story "Strange Appetite" in DECAY (issue #9). Meeting Stan Lee in Melbourne was awesome. And I've really been enjoying the new Crossed comic books.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

There's been heaps of new creators coming on board to DECAY, mostly from within Australia but also a few overseas people too. Charith Wijewardane, Lachlan Creagh, Paul Briske, Kurt Stone, Jake Rundle, Danos Philopoulos, Rayaan Cassiem, Riyahd Cassiem, and many many others have all come to work on DECAY in just this last year, bringing the total number of creators so far, in 14 issues from 3 years, to over 90.

 What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

There's been heaps of great movies coming out this year. Almost every week there's an average of 2 to 3 new movies that I want to see. I've seen a lot but missed others. It seems to be the year of great entertaining films. I've been to several art exhibitions by friends and people who've worked for DECAY. I've also been doing a graphic design course at Tafe which has been extremely enjoyable, along with meeting all of the other people on the course and building new friendships.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I've learnt a lot about art, illustration, typography, computers and design on a graphic design course. These are all valuable things for me to learn towards producing DECAY. I've also been learning more about becoming a better writer and feel that some of my stories have benefited from that. My time management is still poor, and I still procrastinate too much, and the long hours spent at Tafe have taken away from some of the time I've been able to spend on DECAY.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Next year I look forward to finishing my graphic design course. I also look forward to continuing to produce new issues of DECAY. There's also the possibility of one or two other comics coming out from DARK OZ. There's also a lot more conventions planned around Australia for 2013, including William Shatner at Oz Comic Con, and it all starts off in January with Oz Horror Con in Melbourne. I hope to see you all there.

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