Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 in Review: Jason Chatfield

Jason Chatfield

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Personally I've been very grateful to have served out my term as President of the Australian Cartoonists' Association with a great team. I could have been lumped with a board of people who don't want to get anything done, but the great enthusiasm of people like Jules Faber and Peter Broelman have been a huge support. The addition of Comic Book Artist as a category in the Stanley Awards/Year Book/Membership Category is a very good indication of where the club is headed; a broader, more accepting association for not just newspaper cartoonists. Also taking the club online was something I'm proud of having achieved. It's a step in the right direction for the industry's future.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I finally got to meet Chris Wahl at the Stanleys Conference. I've been a big fan of his work for years -his line-work is enviably perfect. I also got to hang out with Sam Viviano, Art Director of MAD Magazine. His movie parodies in MAD were always excellent, and he's a great artist to talk with about having a successful career of growing as an artist, instead of stagnating and doing the same work over and over.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Glimpse, was a side-project I worked on this year of which I'm very grateful to have been asked to be a part of. It was a nice side-step from drawing a red-headed 12 year old all day. In short, it was a show with some incredibly talented Australian actors, with my work being projected and animated up behind them as they performed. I made a process video here:

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Yeah - after spending most of my twenties as a night owl, working til 4 and waking at 12, I've gone to bed before midnight and got up early to work. I'm about as productive as before, but I don't feel like crap. I was dragging my body around and treating it like crap, slumped over the computer screen all night. I've switched to working at a Standing Desk now, with the Cintiq at about eye level. My neck pain has mysteriously disappeared.... How bout that.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Having more time to accept bigger projects, now that my time isn't as committed to the role of President. It was a rewarding position to be in, but it literally worked out to be like having a full time job for two years, on top of everything else. I'm doing my first solo show as a Stand-up in the 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Integrating the technology I learned doing Glimpse, I'm animating my work live while doing comedy. Could bomb terribly, but I'm trying it anyway. It'll be at 7:15pm at the Portland Hotel from 9th - 21st April 2013.

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