Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cappicade 1948 - Snooper Girl

I previously wrote in a post here about 'the baby face artist' from the golden age of New Zealand comics and my suspicion that he was the artist Ross Gore more commonly known for his newspaper strip It Happened in New Zealand.

Recently further examples of work by the 'baby face artist' turned up which I would again attribute to Gore. The following comics and illustrations are from the 1948 Victoria University capping magazine, Cappicade. Two pages are signed 'D' which I theorise was Gore signing the initial of his middle name, Digby.

Snooper girl is particularly interesting as one of the earliest examples of a super-heroics in a New Zealand comic.

Selection of It Happened in New Zealand strips here.

Former Christchurch comics retailer Allan Kemp sent me the image below, a back up feature from Victory Comic. This strip resembles the style used in Ross Gore's It Happened in New Zealand and perhaps offers more evidence of Gore's evolution from the clean style exhibited in comics like Patsy Kane and Meteor Comics towards his more rendered work in newspapers.

Acknowledgements:  Allan Kemp, Tim Bollinger, and Geoff Harrison

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That Snooper Girl page is beautiful! Almost Caniff / Crane style ... World class for its time.
