Monday, January 21, 2013

Stand Easy

Stand Easy after the Defeat of Japan, 1945 was part of a series of books published for the Australian Military Forces by the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. Material was solicited from the Australian military forces in early 1945 and the book was ready for print at the beginning of August. At that time the book was titled Up North in reference to the Australian Army fighting along an island front from Bougainville to Borneo. With the sudden ending of the war editors chose to defer production so depictions of the great conflict could be included. The title was changed to reference the ending of the war. Prose accounts of the war, cartoons, photos, verse, illustrations and maps were including in this volume.

Companion books in this series were produced annually from 1942.

1942 - Soldiering On
1943 - Khaki and Green
1944 - Jungle Warfare 
1945 - Stand Easy

Similar volumes were produced annually for the Royal Australian Navy, Royal Australian Air Force, Volunteer Defence Corps, First A.I.F and Second A.I.F. Credits to artwork and written material were designated to a member's army number and the editors chose to remain anonymous. With the conclusion of the war and this being the last volume in production it was decided to include an appendix of contributors and their corresponding army numbers. Many contributing soldiers returned to careers as writers and artists after the war, among their number William Ellis Green (WEG), who would go on to become one of Australia's most iconic cartoonists.

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