Friday, May 10, 2013

Pikitia Press News

I'm proud to announce the Pikitia Press Blog has been invited by the National Library of New Zealand to be added to the National Digital Heritage Archive which collects copies of New Zealand websites, plus sites relating to New Zealand, for the preservation of their historical and research value.

This Sunday 12 May Pikitia Press will be attending the Illustration and Comic Art Festival Chromacon from 9am – 5pm at the Air NZ Foyer, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand. Sunday will see the offical launch of some new releases from the publishing arm of Pikitia Press:

Toby Morris' Dreamboat Dreamboat.

Toby Morris is an illustrator, designer, art director and comic artist recently returned to New Zealand after 9 years of living and working in Melbourne and Amsterdam. He made his start by drawing and self publishing comics from the age of 13 and currently works as an advertising art director by day and an illustrator at night.Toby's style has roots in the clear line school of comics, but in more recent years has evolved into a looser and simpler but still very graphic look.

Sarah Laing's Let Me Be Frank #1 and #2

Sarah Laing is a novelist and graphic designer who lives in Auckland, New Zealand. She has had two books published, and a third, The Fall of Light, is due out in July. She began drawing comics seriously in 2003, when she read Persepolis and was reminded how much she loved the medium. She kept comics diaries of her life as a new mother. These graduated to the internet in 2010, when she was the Frank Sargeson writer in residence in Albert Park. Her blog, Let me be Frank, quickly gained a following and she began contributing to magazines such as Metro, Little Treasures and Booknotes. Sarah is now working on a graphic novel about Katherine Mansfield.

James Davidson's Moa Volume One.(Collecting the first three issues of Moa and extras.)

James Davidson, creator of Moa, a comic series set in a distant New Zealand where history and myth collide. An Art teacher by day, James has a passion for sequential art and plans to convert the children of New Zealand to the comic form. With his plucky heroes Possum von Tempsky and Kiwi Pukupuku, James hopes young people will be brought into the world of comics he so enjoyed as a child.

Another mini comic joint from the gutter by M.Emery.

These titles will all be available from the Pikitia Press Store next week.

We'll also have a limited selection of Steve Ditko's contemporary work from Robin Snyder and titles from Milk Shadow Books including Tim Molloy's It Shines It Shakes And Laughs and Mr Unpronounceable Adventures.



Click to enlarge the Chromacon floorplan below. Pikitia Press will be located at H2 and H3. James Davidson and Sarah Laing will be attending the Press tables most of the day, catch them and Toby Morris at Adrian Kinnaird's Best Of New Zealand Comics panel on Level 4 at 9:30am.


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