Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stamina Clothes - Walter Lacey Jardine

The following advertisements featured in Australian magazine Parade during 1950's and 1960's for Stamina Clothes. I could easily imagine these being presented to the clothing executives in a Don Draperesque presentation. Several of the illustrations are signed by Walter Lacey Jardine (1884 - 1970) and I would likely attribute them all to him. Jardine showed an early aptitude for art and apprenticed at 12 years of age with newspaper artist J. H. Leonard. For the next twenty years Jardine worked in newspapers contributing full page black-and-white illustrations for the Sydney Star (Sun from 1910). 

After a successful career as a commercial artist in Australia, Jardine went to America in 1923 and became famous for his pen-and-ink drawings on scraper-board. Jardine quickly found commercial illustration work for Hearst’s Cosmopolitan Magazine, Good Housekeeping, The American Legion and Motor Magazine. Jardine also worked in advertising with clients that included Durant Motors Inc., General Motors Corporation and the Packard Motor Car Co., E. R. Squibb & Sons (toothpaste) and York Manufacturing Co. (refrigerators).

Returning to Australia in 1928 Jardine opened a studio and worked primarily freelance until the 1950's where he took up teaching by correspondence with the Art Training Institute in Melbourne. From 1945 to 1959, Jardine in partnership with W.F Paterson created the company Walter Jardine Advertising Service (later Jardine, Paterson & Co). Jardine worked into his retirement designing a set of postage stamps at age 80. Jardine passed away in 1970 at age 96.


These last two illustrations depict Jardine's variations on a similar theme.


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous lo ! Beautiful post! Love that the decoratin and title are connected, an love all the journaling! Echo Park
