Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Gem: Over My Dead Body - Tim Molloy & Ben Stenbeck

Tim Molloy:

So way back in 2001, by buddy Ben Stenbeck ( BPRD, Baltimore) and I watched too many Zombie movies and westerns and as a result we made a comic together, (me writing, him drawing) called Over My Dead Body. It's a zombie story, a last man alive story, and kind of a story about why I don't believe in God, or would even want to... Anyway, it's been gathering dust for more than a decade and Ben has finally decided to release it for our viewing pleasure. It's quite old and a bit mouldy and dusty, but I guess when all is said and done, I am proud of it, and still blown away that I got to direct Ben Stenbecks mighty pen hand for 80 or so pages! Enjoy!

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