Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 in Review: Simon Hanselmann

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2013?
"My Floating World broadsheet "ST OWL'S BAY" got nominated for an Ignatz, That was pretty nice. Had an art show in Madrid with HTML Flowers that went pretty well. Fantagraphics officially announced the book of mine they're releasing next year ("MEGAHEX") and i was able to brag about it on tumblr. Comic Arts Brooklyn was amazing, I launched my new book from Space Face Books ("LIFE ZONE") there. I had a very good time...

And a bunch of other stuff... It's been a very good year for Megg, Mogg & Owl.

Closing out the year with some work for Pitchfork, the Believer and Mould Map.

#youngprofessionals #2013"

What are some of the comics you've enjoyed in 2013?

"Oh, God... This would be the longest list of names.... 
Some of my current favourite things are Lala Albert's new stuff for Mould Map 3.
John Pham's Epoxy 4. anything by JMKE.
Spiders Pee Paw. Michiel Budel. Weird 4. White Cube.
Breakdown Press. Corbera. ZHV. Leon Sadler. HB. Negron. Estrada.
Pompeii was really good. 
Susceptible was really good.
I really liked Strawberries by Mia Schwartz.
Michael Hawkins.... a million other people and things."

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2013? 

"Blaise Larmee's Nudes. Top of the Lake was a good TV series. Traveling again was cool. The new Drake album. Karaoke." 

What are you looking forward to in 2014?
"Releasing MEGAHEX with Fanta' in July or so and doing a book tour. Fulgencio Pimentel's also releasing a gigantic Spanish Megg & Mogg collection. There's a few new little books I want to make with some cool small press publishers. Doing another art show with HTML Flowers. Working on some secret stuff...
There's a ton of stuff I want to see completed next year.
Hopefully TRUTH ZONE will return early in the year...

I can't wait to see what all of my friends do next year too.
2014 should be a good year for comics."

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