Saturday, January 18, 2014

Paper Trail

John Higgins on his trip to Australia late last year.

 Tom Taylor, John Higgins, Colin Wilson (Yoinked from John's site.)
Archives New Zealand are posting a selection of material to Flickr including vintage advertising material. Read an article on Archives New Zealand here.

Matt Huynh interviewed by Comics for Grown-ups.

 Daniel Elkin reviews the Sheehan Brother's The Inhabitants.

The Comics Spot review several Australian comics.

Jason Paulos process post for Alter Ego Cover.

I interviewed Tim Gibson for Sequart.

The Ledger Awards have announced Judges for 2014.

Big Joey Morris

Forty page preview of the Legend of Space Cat Bob.

Daniel Kalder profiles Milk Shadow Books.

Sarah Laing talks creative process on Radio NZ.

Scary Minds reviews Frank Candiloro's Mail Order Mutant!

This week on Te Pikitia Blog:

 More cartoons and illustrations from NZ wartime bulletin Korero.

An interview with Golden age Australian cartoonist, June Mendoza.

Paper Trail masthead courtesy of Toby Morris.

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