Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Gem: Advice Comics




Need advice? Consult some of Melbourne's top advice columnists via the wonderful medium of comics.

Sally is due to start high school next year, her mum’s boyfriend often refers to her as an ‘old soul’ as she feels deeply and completely for all things. If asked, she identifies as a ‘professional empathe’ which her grandma feels is very mature. Her two all time favourite things are dogs and the colour blue.

Dr. Entrails, Ph.D. specializes in pediatrics, neurosurgery and trepanation. He is also the host of the children’s saturday morning television program, Dr. Entrails and Friends.
Mulbert was abandoned mere seconds after his birth. His parents had been expecting a girl, not a moose, and this would not be the last time he would disappoint a group of strangers. To quote his doctor, Mulbert’s life has been “medically regrettable”. He spent his first few years of orphanhood squatting sleeplessly inside a Time Crisis II arcade machine, his tiny hooves perpetually up in bewildered surrender. For a while he tried masquerading as a hypertrichotic Vietnam veteran named ‘Gubers’, but his pension never came through. His roommate recently got him a job at Cosmo’s Deli, which was cool of him, but still Mulbert wakes up most days acheing, sore from modest dreams, wondering how to get from point A to point B if you never learned to spell.
Mr. Ray is one of the most influential and important names in contemporary Australian poetry. His long-awaited new book Aghh, I Don’t Know If I Can Do This Again Vol. 2 is out this Christmas through Mouthwhisp & Whimperman. Ray Lives in Melbourne, Australia with his dog.
Because of what he is, Boyfriend brings a perspective external to general human experience. But don’t think he can’t empathize with you or he doesn’t care. The events of your life mean more to him than anything.

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