Showing posts with label fec comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fec comics. Show all posts
Monday, December 16, 2013
2013 in Review: Ben Michael Byrne
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2013?
More Kranburn! And we published the first Kranburn to have a full colour cover. I did the first 7 issues with black and white covers as that's the way I like to draw, but #8 was screaming for colour so I did it, and now I'm pretty keen on doing colour from now on etc unless the artwork really feels like it wants to be left B&W.
More Job Dun! Written by Mark Hobby, plus I also did a short Job Dun story (full colour by Noelle Criminova) that will be in the next issue of South African/Australian comic Velocity that I'm still happy with the art I did (for now, you hate yourself soon enough... :-P )
Had a short story (written by Tim West) printed in the late 2013 issue of UK comic Something Wicked by FutureQuake Press.
Just recently started co-hosting (with Jason O'Callaghan from New Game Plus) a comic review show which is a blast, acting like a silly billy (tee hee) in front of a camera feels very natural to me.
My new 'Copping A Feel' initiative! When readers pose with writers/artists they enjoy, the writer/artist might do the bunny ears/pull a face/do the tongue in the ear thing, I invite my readers to cup my balls if they wish! What could be more bonding than to feel the warmth of the balls of someone whose work you enjoy? Not much! So please, if you enjoy my work and ever want to get a photo with me, you're welcome to cup my junk! Any sex etc, just be of age and have asbestos gloves, my nuts run at about 87degrees celcius.
My fifth finished Comikaze challenge! If only I could create 24 pages every 24 hours rather than once a year, that'd be sweet. But it does have a tendency to burn me out for a week afterwards. It's so much fun and I really hope that although the website PulpFaction is now down, it will somehow/someway still exist in 2014.
Doing a mini Comikaze challenge for some students with Ben Hutcho and Martin Nixon, 8 pages in 8 hours! Was great to see teens keens on comics and was fun to do. Not as fun as what I imagine spending a day with my face between Yolandi Vissers legs would be, but quite fun!
What are some of the comics/cartoonists you've enjoyed in 2013?
I'll admit it, I'm a pretty simple chap, the highbrow is not for me and when people try to engage me into talking about coffee I want to pull out my cock and run screaming down the street, slapping old people on the face with it as I pass them. So I admit, I love Crossed, I reallllllly love Crossed. It just does it for me, yum yum.
I've also been squirting further than normal over the new style Prophet, man, its the business. Got to the end of trade #2 (yes I'm a trade waiter, I live out in the burbs and can't get to/afford floppies often enough, don't judge me lest ye be sodomised by an angry dove that thinks you're trying to eat its offspring) and wanted to cry knowing there was going to be such a wait for number #3. It reads/feels very...European? Something I'd be expecting in old Metal Hurlant/Heavy Metal. Again, yum yum yum.
That Nick Fury Max trade. I don't read/care about Nick Fury normally etc, but after seeing some preview panels by the art-god Goran Parlov, I had to have it and I wasn't disappointed. Its feels a lot like the Punisher Max issues Goran illustrated and reads similar. That is the best way I can discribe it to people who might have been kept away from it thinking it was a superhero type book: it isn't. If you enjoyed Punisher Max while Goran Parlov was illustrating it, then do yourself a favour and grab this, its pretty much the same.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2013?
My second Daughter was born, so that was pretty awesome, little bit more prepared this time whilst also finding out that babies are all different in a million little ways.
Also, I'm finally building a tank that I can drive, its a 40% scale King Tiger/ Tiger II/Koenigs Tiger and the hull is 3 metres long. Its a slow process and I've only just finished most of the hull frame and built the transmission. I have the gears/sprockets needed to connect the engine to the transmission but first I need to get the suspension built, that's a big job so updates are every few weeks, not every few days!
What are you looking forward to in 2014?
More Kranburn, more Job Dun, More Velocity, watching the kids get older, enjoying the rude bits of the female of the species (and any Thai ladyboys reading, I'm down with you in my pants, pom rah kuhn!) driving a 3 metre tank down the driveway to check the mail, having enough money to get horns implanted in my forehead, the usual.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Saturday, December 29, 2012
2012 in Review: Matt Nicholls
Matt Nicholls
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
First I started this year with Debuting my webcomic Collateral, illustrated by my new UK friend Lee Taylor, which was pretty exciting. Then I self published Collateral Dear John Issue one and two later this year, while also debuting another webcomic with a local friend of mine Ross Stewart called Vesper and since I didn't have much else on this year I self published a one shot 12 page comic with local illustrator Simon Wright called Our Love Will Never Die, But We Will.
Not to mention I tabled at my first and second con this year with Armageddon being the first and the little Oz Horror Con the second.
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
Wow, where to start. I suppose I'll only comment on the ones from this year, even though I'd like to shout out to others. So I wont be mentioning Steve Sparke, Frank Candiloro and Brendan Halyday as we met last year. So I wont be mentioning how awesome they are and how good their work is.
SO to start with this year, I'll have to go with Matt Kyme. His work is awesome and is a great new Superhero webcomic and he's not doing much so he's got The Ace happening as well on the same site. So lazy. He's the webcomic version of Frank Candiloro.
FEC has produced so much work this year it would be hard to mention it all, but you can check it out at FEC Comics but special mention would have to go out to Kranburn and Great Works.
Zombolette is an ace comic and I love how it isn't a zombie story.
MSG by Andrew Li. I met him once at the Melbourne Comic meet up. He was so quiet and reserve and his comic really deserves a read.
I really want to mention all the local comic scene, not just Melbourne but Australia, but there really is a lot out there.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
I loved seeing one of my favourite local bands The Dirty Three again this year. I highly recommend this band. They would have to be in my top two bands I've ever seen live, and seeing them for the second time they did not disappoint.
I also went to Scienceworks this year. I hadn't been since I was at school many moons ago. That place is AWESOME!Go check it out, even if you don't have kids with you it's still ace.
Since I wasn't releasing much this year in the way of comics I renovated my kitchen. It's crazy how much you love your oven when you've gone without one for 12 months.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
It's amazing how much you learn when working with different artists. I have had to change how I write my scripts to suite different artist. But my working methods tend not to change when I write in my half hour on the train.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Releasing more Collateral Issues and having more Vesper pages out as well as debuting at Supanova and Oz Comic Con. They are the main things. I also wrote a short comic for Brendan Halyday this year as part of the 24 hour challenge, so I'm hoping for that to get finished next year (No pressure Brendan :P)
Monday, December 24, 2012
2012 in Review: Ben Michael Byrne
Ben Michael Byrne
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Getting another four (40 page) issues of Kranburn out there, obviously a huge thanks go out to FEC comics/Steve Sparke for that. Starting work on an amazing project titled Job Dun with the very exciting writer Mark Hobby, when I first got the issue #1 script, I was scrolling faster and faster to read it and couldn't wait to get my teeth into it. Having short stories I wrote and illustrated in Terra #1 and Home Made #1 and Velocity #2. Also doing art duties on a short story for Futurequake in the UK. Cover for Spitfires #3. Sorry if I've forgotten anyone. :P
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
100 Bullets. Over a decade ago I was in Ireland and a friend there urged me to read it, but I was still pretty much sci-fi/anthologies only at that point (2000AD etc) and didn't follow up. But now I'm happily chewing my way through the 100 Bullets trades, got another three or four waiting for me under the Christmas tree, yippee. :-D
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
Reading and re-reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, pure bliss. I can have a pile of unread books waiting, but I'll still end up picking up one of his and opening it for the 50th time.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Nothing drastic I think, but I'm always tweaking it here and there, as my child get older (she's approaching three) I have to adapt my schedule etc. The biggest change would probably be streamlining my work a little more and getting more 'German' with my efficiency (are positive racial stereotypes still naughty? Meh :-D ). My wife and I purchased a house about a year ago and I'd always wanted a cork board in my study, so now I have this well laid out timetable, with all current and future projects on it, each page of a job etc represented by a rectangle that I fill in as I go etc so I can at a glance see what needs tending/what's getting a bit close to deadline. I'm in anal heaven. Readers may interpret that however they wish, guffaw!
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
For myself: more Kranburn. Seeing Job Dun in print, its being coloured by Noelle Dreeves and will be longest coloured work I've ever been a part of so far, very exciting.
Outside of comics, owning the new Dredd movie, owning the new Metro: Last Light game (as well as Suvarium, Wasteland 2, Nuclear Union but I'm not sure exactly when those are due).
Birth of our second child and the pooey nappies that brings with it. :-D
And if I grew and extra arm or two maybe starting another of my longer running projects that I've been cooking for a few years. There's a pretty big project I've been writing for a long time now called NSEW and I'm really keen to grow it further.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
2012 in Review: Alisha Jade
Alisha Jade
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Definitely publishing the first book of 'Seven'. It's
been kicking around for a while now so it's great to finally get it out
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
I would have to say getting back into my roots
was the best thing this year - I nabbed the set of Nausicaa by Miyazaki,
and discovered it was drawn entirely with pencil, no inks. The results
are fascinating and the fact that the comic doesn't only feature
attractive people is always a plus. Also had a lot of fun with Akiko Higashimura's Kuragehime and some new local groups like Canberra's Beginnings and the emergence of Squishface.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
Well I've really gotten back into film recently, watching a lot of
things I never thought I would. I've also vastly enjoyed my relatively
recent obsession with Richard Armitage which I'm SURE will culminate in
spectacular form with The Hobbit. Watching the production diaries and
getting into the buzz has really been an interesting study in crowd
building and lead up.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Significant changes - Several - I've switched my pencils officially down to A6, switched my inking up from A5 to A4 (ugh my wrist feels it) and also switched from nib to brush pens, the BEST inking tools ever. If you've never tried a Kuretake you are missing out.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
More Seven (book two is part way through
inks yay!), more Hobbit, more doing stupid things to my appearance for
fun and definitely as much hanging out with my comic fellows as humanly
2012 in Review: Paul Bedford
Paul Bedford
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Answering these questions.
Oh, and having the films rights for my OGN, The List optioned. The bonus is, I've been commissioned to write the screenplay adaptation. I'm into the second draft and, while proving a tough write, it's giving me the opportunity to have a second chance at my story; to change/improve scenes, dialogue etc. It's also a challenge to adapt my story into a 3 act structure, which the GN certainly isn't.
The other highlight was having the 3 volumes of The List finally printed in a single volume GN. It was great after all these years of envisioning it in this form to finally hold it in my hands. Very rewarding indeed. Sales at the stores, online and at the Cons have certainly improved since it became an all-inclusive read.
Other highlights include: continuing excellent reviews of The List from around the world; amazing - at times, touching - feedback from readers who seem to find a place to put their pain while reading the work; meeting new fans of the work at Cons and watching the local scene grow with great new talent.
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
My two fave discoveries of the year (I tend to read only Aussie/NZ stuff) were Zombolette by Scarlette Baccini (Milk Shadow Books) and Kranburn by Ben Michael Byrne (FEC Comics). I suppose if we are talking about artists, we are actually talking about their art.
Zombolette: Many laugh out loud moments. A no-holds-barred, clever and unpredictable work. I've read it three times which has revealed the more subtle humour. I have heard rumour of a sequel, so it’d better be as good as the first, or I’ll burn Scarlette’s house down. I will, ya know.
Kranburn: I'm crap at keeping up with web comics so, as much I loved reading this on the web, I fell away from this series, always wishing it was in print. I'm certainly a print purist. Even comics on a tablet don't really do it for me - I just don't find the experience as engaging or visceral. Anyway, I was rapt when i heard it was to be published. Now, having just read issue 5 (a dark and brutal stand out in an already dark and brutal series), I am thoroughly eating it up. Ben's world building succeeds in drawing the reader into its barren, harsh dystopia. The surface adventure of the first four issues has now taken a deeper turn, and the pace has slowed. Both of these things are a welcome breather and shows Ben's grasp of his character. I believe he is on the 230 odd page mark, which is awesome news. I'd happily sit down as read the whole bloody thing in a massive GN.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
Battlefield 3. Nuff said.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Battlefield 3. It means I get less work done.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
There is some new Battlefield 3 DLC coming out, so that'll be grouse and even more destructive to my artistic pursuits.
Aside from that, the producers who optioned The List screenplay will be shopping it around to various movie houses. That'll be an exciting and terrifying time. Man, the thought that it might get picked up and made into a feature film is almost too exciting to bear.
With the TPB out, I will be submitting it to various companies for possible publication. Let's see if any of these so called publishers of art are gutsy enough to pick it up.
I will finally get my short story anthology finished and get a bunch of artists to draw them up. I’ve had one drawn up so far and released as a mini which has received excellent feedback, so it would be nice to get the entire bunch done released as a collection. It's very different to The List: no violence, horror, drugs etc, so it won't sell.
Thanks for reading my babble. Now go and buy my book:
There is some new Battlefield 3 DLC coming out, so that'll be grouse and even more destructive to my artistic pursuits.
Aside from that, the producers who optioned The List screenplay will be shopping it around to various movie houses. That'll be an exciting and terrifying time. Man, the thought that it might get picked up and made into a feature film is almost too exciting to bear.
With the TPB out, I will be submitting it to various companies for possible publication. Let's see if any of these so called publishers of art are gutsy enough to pick it up.
I will finally get my short story anthology finished and get a bunch of artists to draw them up. I’ve had one drawn up so far and released as a mini which has received excellent feedback, so it would be nice to get the entire bunch done released as a collection. It's very different to The List: no violence, horror, drugs etc, so it won't sell.
Thanks for reading my babble. Now go and buy my book:
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
2012 in Review: Steve Sparke
Steve Sparke
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
The FEC Extravaganza was my personal highlight. I've thrown together a few
comic book launches before but this one was a much bigger effort. It was
much more of an event than just a simple launch as we had sketches,
signings and a Q&A. The books launching were Kranburn #4 (by Ben Michael Byrne) and Seven (by Alisha Jade), which were both fairly
straight forward in their process as it was simply collaborating with
one person on their project. Whereas the third book launching, Fireside
Tales, was an anthology - meaning I collaborated with five people. That
kind of number means a lot more time dedicated to one comic as I try to
spend equal amounts of time on each story. So yeah - it really set a bar
for me.
top of all that, I was also organising my wedding at the same time (I
literally returned from my honeymoon the day before the launch). So this
required having most things organised and ready to go a month before
the actual event. I know a few people thought I was nuts to do it this
way...and they're right! It was insane. I didn't get much sleep
throughout the month of August. But holy shit was it rewarding!
Everything went off without a hitch and I was really pleased to see the
Fireside boys get a chance to show off their talents.
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
Bunn and Brian Hurtt, creators of The Sixth Gun. It was only just in
the last couple of weeks that I've read this and it's absolutely
outstanding! Great characters and some brilliant art! They've really
struck gold with this story and I can't wait to see where they go next
(after the first TPB).
Also, to keep it local, I got on to Sacha Bryning's work this year. I first saw a couple of his pieces online and was
already impressed, but then he went and floored me with his
self-published comic, Sam & Laz. He initially published it online
here but then did a small print run for the avid fans. He also slipped a story into Velocity #2 (Molly Mac), which was bursting
off the page with energy. I was able to get him on board for the cover
of Fireside Tales and I was blown away by the results (as were the
readers). I honestly can't get enough of his art. Sacha, if you're
reading this - more art please.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
went to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra perform the entire score
of LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings. It was amazing! They had two choirs,
the whole orchestra AND the actual film playing behind them. I'm already
booked in for the MSO performing Two Towers next year and I'd recommend
everybody else do the same.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Not particularly. With editing, I'm always changing
my methods to suit the person I'm working with. It's necessary for
getting the best out of your creator. But significant changes? Nope.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Kranburn and Seven. Having already seen what Ben and Alisha have in
store for their readers, I'm incredibly excited to see the response.
think Alisha's second book will give readers a chance to settle into
the world she has created. The first book really threw the reader in the
deep end, which was great as I think the immediacy gave a strong sense
of action. But this next book will ease you in a little bit before it
takes hold.
Ben is going into some
crazy territory with Kranburn. I can't give too much away but it's
certainly going to leave some people a wee bit shocked. And, of course,
we get some more car chases which is always fun!

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