Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 in Review: Steve Sparke

Steve Sparke

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
The FEC Extravaganza was my personal highlight. I've thrown together a few comic book launches before but this one was a much bigger effort. It was much more of an event than just a simple launch as we had sketches, signings and a Q&A. The books launching were Kranburn #4 (by Ben Michael Byrne) and Seven (by Alisha Jade), which were both fairly straight forward in their process as it was simply collaborating with one person on their project. Whereas the third book launching, Fireside Tales, was an anthology - meaning I collaborated with five people. That kind of number means a lot more time dedicated to one comic as I try to spend equal amounts of time on each story. So yeah - it really set a bar for me.
On top of all that, I was also organising my wedding at the same time (I literally returned from my honeymoon the day before the launch). So this required having most things organised and ready to go a month before the actual event. I know a few people thought I was nuts to do it this way...and they're right! It was insane. I didn't get much sleep throughout the month of August. But holy shit was it rewarding! Everything went off without a hitch and I was really pleased to see the Fireside boys get a chance to show off their talents.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt, creators of The Sixth Gun. It was only just in the last couple of weeks that I've read this and it's absolutely outstanding! Great characters and some brilliant art! They've really struck gold with this story and I can't wait to see where they go next (after the first TPB).
Also, to keep it local, I got on to Sacha Bryning's work this year. I first saw a couple of his pieces online and was already impressed, but then he went and floored me with his self-published comic, Sam & Laz. He initially published it online here but then did a small print run for the avid fans.  He also slipped a story into Velocity #2 (Molly Mac), which was bursting off the page with energy. I was able to get him on board for the cover of Fireside Tales and I was blown away by the results (as were the readers). I honestly can't get enough of his art. Sacha, if you're reading this - more art please.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
I went to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra perform the entire score of LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings. It was amazing! They had two choirs, the whole orchestra AND the actual film playing behind them. I'm already booked in for the MSO performing Two Towers next year and I'd recommend everybody else do the same.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Not particularly. With editing, I'm always changing my methods to suit the person I'm working with. It's necessary for getting the best out of your creator. But significant changes? Nope.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?
More Kranburn and Seven. Having already seen what Ben and Alisha have in store for their readers, I'm incredibly excited to see the response.
I think Alisha's second book will give readers a chance to settle into the world she has created. The first book really threw the reader in the deep end, which was great as I think the immediacy gave a strong sense of action. But this next book will ease you in a little bit before it takes hold.
Ben is going into some crazy territory with Kranburn. I can't give too much away but it's certainly going to leave some people a wee bit shocked. And, of course, we get some more car chases which is always fun!

2012 in Review: Li Chen

Li Chen

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Getting the chance to self publish my webcomic as books through funding from Kickstarter was pretty amazing. It allowed me to work full time on my comics and the books for most of the year, and it made me realise that I really wanted to make art and comics as a career.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
I discovered Ryan Andrews work this year. He is a brilliant artist and has written some beautifully haunting comics. I love his style of artwork, it's very inspiring.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012? (i.e. movies, film, prose, ballet, opera, fine art, exhibitions, etc)
I've really enjoyed watching a Cartoon Network show called Adventure Time this year. It has a really surreal sense of humor that I try to reflect in my own comics. I also went to the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo this year and found it hugely inspiring. I love their films and they definitely influence my comics and artwork.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Not really. My comics are still drawn manually with pencil and scanned. Any colour in my comics is then applied digitally. I've just been practicing a lot, and I think that my work has improved throughout the year, which is good!

What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Making more comics, making more art. Petting cats.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012 in Review: M. P. Fikaris

M. P. Fikaris

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Starting up a little store room in my studio and printing up a new periodical DAILIES while pushing through my inhibitions of medium and painting some comics.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

There's a bunch, best to get look for DAILIES 3 in early 2013 to see some of them! Pre-order one with me in January.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Local theatre, dance, poetry, live music, graffitti, film, performance, art, happenings and all other things seen in Melbourne- we are spoilt!

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

My work is mostly about implementing changes I think...though I have almost finished my second longer formative comic story (oh I mean graphic novel) but the guys who asked to print it are no longer wanting to, so I think it will stay in the files with the other one from 11 years ago... or I may do something I have never really done much before and -  ask for help..

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

More web comics, killer bees, and an event every month at Silent Army store room at 110 franklin street Melbourne city. Hope to see u there!

2012 in Review: J. Marc Schmidt

J. Marc Schmidt

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

This year three of my books were released within a few months of each other between June-August, in three countries, so I was very busy. For a few months there I was working on all three at the same time! I translated my first long comic, Egg Story, into Esperanto with the help of several other proofreaders and it was published as Rakonto de Ovoj in Japan. It's actually doing really well! Next was a collection of my short comics, titled All You Bastards Can Go Jump Off a Bridge!, published by Milk Shadow Books in Melbourne. I went to Melbourne for the launch; it was enjoyable. Last was my first ever textbook/comic book, Test Your English, a collection of comics and cartoons was published in South Korea for the ESL market. It contains all-new material which I drew this year. I think it's really good and different, I want to do more of that kind of thing. So this year had old and new, looking forward and looking back.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

'Iron' Mike Grell, whom I discovered just last week! I knew of him but had never read his work. I discovered Sable, an action comic by Mike Grell published by First Comics in the 1980s. It's amazing - characters, plotting, scenarios etc. Also excellent is his Starslayer: Legend of the Jolly Roger. The artists and writers who continued both books are also good, and I am getting the impression from these and other First Comics that that publisher had very tight editing, resulting good or better storytelling.  Yaroslav Horak, who drew James Bond comics in the 70s-80s. Excellent, unique, dynamic style, makes the Bond character really interesting. He lived in Sydney for a while and may still do.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I saw good exhibitions of Escher, Breughel, and Dutch masters (Vermeer, etc.). I read a lot of prose but the some that stood out were Time-Life's 1960s series on world history titled Great Ages of Man. Picked up almost the full series for $10 at the library. 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis. I found it on the side of the road during kerbside cleanup, I kid you not. What a terrific book. (As someone who sells books for a living, I should probably set a better example and buy retail more often!) Richard Roberts' Collier Quick & Easy Guide to Chess is both highly entertaining and informative. What a cheerful, funny and smart guy he is. I entered an art contest, teaching myself how to do acrylics in a day, then submitting two portraits. They turned out pretty well, but did not win. Was highly fun and rewarding anyway.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I've moved away from using computers, because I find it more satisfying to work that way, though I still have to use them a lot! I drew a lot of Test Your English on blank postcards; that way it's easy to do in trains, cafes etc. I made some comics from pet rocks that I made from river pebbles, dolls' eyes and fake eyelashes, then photographing them. That was very fun!

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

More of everything! We are living in a world of abundance, there is so much that is new to try. For example I want to get a motorbike, try surfing, get a cat or a dog, go somewhere completely new to me. I am looking forward to my next comics project, too!

2012 in Review: Christopher Downes

Christopher Downes
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
I went to the Australian Cartoonists Association's Stanley Awards weekend for the very first time. I had to crowd fund in order to get there, but it was really fun. I got to meet a lot of heroes of mine and they turned out to be genuinely nice people.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I really enjoyed Pat Grant's BLUE. I love to slip into his world - partly because I'm in love with his art, but also because his characters do things that (as a teenager) I would have never dared to do. They steal, they cuss and they wag from school.  I didn't have the guts to do any of that stuff in high school. Speaking of high school, I also read Derf Backderf's MY FRIEND DAHMER. I read it in an hour. It was that good.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I've got a 1 year old daughter. She's fantastic. I'm still in awe of watching the becoming of a little person - how she changes and learns. It's like an ultracool version of Pokemon! I've also gotten into Peppa Pig. It took me a while to warm to it, but now I look forward to it coming on. That and Shaun the Sheep. Wow, I'm really sounding like a new parent aren't I? GAME OF THRONES! I liked Game of Thrones a lot! I especially liked the episode where they all went to the dinosaur park and went down the dinosaur slide with Grampy Rabbit. That happened in Game of Thrones, right?

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I procrastinate a hell of a lot less! That's one thing having a kid will teach you.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I think there's a movie I'm looking forward to. I remember seeing the date on the end of a pretty riveting trailer (and yet not riveting enough for me to remember the name or even the subject matter of the movie) and I thought, "Well, the world better not bloody end, cause I'd really like to see that."

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012 in Review: Matthew Hoddy and Caitlin Major

 Matthew Hoddy and Caitlin Major

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Matthew: The highlight for me was going to all the conventions. Just getting out there, meeting everyone. Both fans and other creators. It helped me feel like this is definitely the right path I should be taking. Especially after some of our more successful outings. Was some real positive reinforcement.

Biggest highlight though was the Brisbane Supanova in November. Our first con was a year before at the Brisnova, in Nov 2011. We knew absolutely NOTHING about cons and had two issues of Space Pyrates to show off. Our wall was pretty much bare (with the exception of our banner and a couple of prints). We were offering cosplay commissions for just $10 and made absolutely no money from the weekend. BUT, we had the greatest time. Everything about it just felt right. Each subsequent convention we attended we learnt something new and put it to practice for the next con. So, to do a whole years worth of cons and come back home with all that knowledge? It felt like everything came full circle.

We've made a bunch of great new friends and discovered things I didn't even think could exist in Australia. Plus, added extra bonus? We found that Brisbane actually has a thriving comics community. Who'd have thought it, right?
Caitlin: I guess the biggest highlight of 2012 is the number of people that are reading Space Pyrates, whether online or in print. We've had a lot of positive feedback from our readers and the general public and it seems the amount of readers has increased tenfold since we started out in  Jan 2011. It's the best feeling in the world when someone recognises us at conventions and has read the comic online and really liked it. It feels like I'm finally becoming a real comic book artist!

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Matthew: I discovered Atomic Robo this year. By Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegna. Both are from the US. The tone, writing and artwork just speak to me. Burned through all 6 published trades and have been buying the single issues of 'The Flying She Devils' as they're released. I've never really been into buying the singles and usually just buy the collected editions if they look interesting. But this series? Man, it has got it claws into me something fierce.

I mean, one of the villains is a time travelling dinosaur scientist that uses sub machine guns and can talk. Plus, it's owner created. Which is exactly the sort of thing we'd like to do. So I look to creators like that for inspiration. Overseas and at home.
Caitlin: I've been seeking out other female comic artists this year and I've really been enjoying Hope Larson's comics. She's got a great art style and a real knack for storytelling, and I love a character driven story as much as the next person! I've also been reading Jane Mai's autobiographical comics online (I'm still waiting patiently for my copy of her printed comic to arrive in the mail) they're really cute and funny.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Matthew: Something non-comic related? Oh man... I don't know... Feels like I've been neck deep in comics this whole year and can't remember anything else! Paranorman was a great stop-motion film from the studio 'Laika'. We do a bit of animation ourselves, and that movie in particular I appreciated a great deal. Dredd was really cool. LOOPER, oh man, that was a great sci-fi film despite it's plot holes (albeit time-travel related).

Did see Bill Bailey live. That was a hell of a lot of fun too!

Caitlin: I've been enjoying Gravity Falls a lot lately. It's like the new Adventure Time! Cute and funny and awesome and I absolutely love the art direction. It's probably the best thing to come out of Disney for a long time.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Matthew: The whole process of making Space Pyrates has been about learning. It's taken two years to get the this point and we're not even done! While I could draw before, albeit crudely compared to now, just pushing my artwork has been the biggest change. Thinking about it more critically and looking at what I could do differently to make thing better. Streamlining the whole process on my end anyway, from thumbnail sketches to finished & inked page. I've been watching a bunch of artists and trying to learn their tricks. Still need to learn a whole lot more though!
Caitlin: I wouldn't say significant changes, but I'm constantly trying to improve my work and I am always inspired by other artists to try different styles or techniques. Space Pyrates was intended as a learning exercise, to experience creating a comic and get my head around the production process and best practises.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Matthew: Finishing this story arc of SP and having it printed. Then? Touring around to all cities for conventions to promote it. Looking at relocating from Brisbane at some point too. Depending on work. Also looking forward to starting something new comic-related and promoting the hell out of that. Big plans!

Caitlin: We're releasing the collected edition of Space Pyrates next year so that's very exciting, I can't wait to have that tome in my hands! We've got a lot of conventions planned to promote the book and it's always fun going around and talking to people about comics. I'm also starting to work on a solo comic project, which is slightly different in tone and style to Space Pyrates, so looking forward to that too!

2012 in review: Cory Mathis

Cory Mathis

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Finishing another mini-comic and getting up to the Armageddon Expo in Auckland to sell it. Earlier this year I did a week long comics class with Dylan Horrocks. I got heaps from it and was great to meet him.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Some local talent - Karl Wills' Princess Seppuku and James Davidson's, Moa. I get totally amped when I discover great stuff being made locally. From overseas, James Stokoe's Orc Stain graphic novel was a wonderful gift from a friend in the States and I'm getting awful excited about Mike Mignola getting back into drawing the next Hellboy arc. Also found the original Nausicaa paperbacks which have completely blown me away.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012? 

I play a few video-games and I am finding it exciting the amount of original quirky games coming out by smaller independent studios. The PS3 game, Journey was a particular highlight for me.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I've been getting into a fair bit of dip-pen inking and watercolours, just to balance out all the digital work. That and pushing myself to use more colour and keeping at the figure studies - yip, student life. I think the most important thing I've done is really slow down and take my time with things, both reading and creating. I have a habit of power-reading and churning out pictures then regretting it later.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Bringing it all together! That, and an illustration show early next year. I am working on a series of pieces that has nothing to do with dinosaurs!

2012 in Review: Dean Rankine

Dean Rankine
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Continuing to contribute the occasional comic to Simpsons and Futurama has been an absolute blast. Starting my own project, 'Itty Bitty Bunnies in Rainbow Pixie Candy Land' has been long overdue heaps of fun.

Also being a guest at both OzComic Con and Armageddon Expo were definite highlights. I was treated extremely well by the organizers and I got to me some really great people who've been very supportive of my work.

And just generally feeling pretty proud of the artwork I've made of the year.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I had the pleasure of meeting Agnes Garbowska earlier in the year. And I have to say her work is pretty damn adorable -

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I've been lovin' Dr Who at the moment.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I bought one of those cintiq wacom tablets (either late last year or early this year. I can't quite remember). But I swear, that thing has changed my life. I do all my 'inking' on it now and just love it.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I've got about 8 more pages to go on 'Itty Bitty Bunnies' and I'm looking forward to exposing them to an unsuspecting public.

I'm really hoping to be doing more Simpsons stuff. And I'm working on some try-out pages for Spongebob. So wish me luck!

The official announcement hasn't been made yet but I'm coming over to New Zealand mid next year! Woo-Hoo!

2012 in Review: Mat Tait

Mat Tait

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Just getting a few pages finished that I was happy with.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
Carl Barks via the great Fantagraphics reprints. It was nice to discover work that I've heard so much about lived up to the billing.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?
I've been enjoying poring over a massive collection of Piranesi's fantastically detailed and grandiose etchings (via a cheap 2 volume set from Taschen - well worth a buy).  Best movies I've seen this year: Drive, Kill List, and The Battle of Algiers.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?
Mainly making sure that I draw every day, no matter how little, or how busy I've been with other stuff. It gets things done and avoids The Fear.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Getting some of the stuff I'm working on completed, maybe getting some stuff into print.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

2012 in Review: Bruce Mutard Part Two

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Crikey, I've been away so much that I've seen hardly any movies on the big screen and not a huge amount on the box, either. Anyone who's seen my DVD collection knows I'm a huge movie fan.  OKay, like so many others, I got tuned into the Game of Thrones show and it is fabulous, though I have reservations about all the women being either vixens or whores. The books are great, too. I also decided to follow up on the fuss over the Hunger Games and it was a cracking read - great positive female protagonist who has the awkwardness of a teenager still within her. The film version was quite good, but I can understand why it couldn't be so brutal as the book.

2012 was the year of the popular series, so I've also taken to Stieg Larsson. The books are great reads, though again, for someone who professes to be so caring about women's rights and anti sex-trafficking, Larsson does give undue detail about his female characters sex lives and his male protagonist is a middle-aged unremarkable bloke who seems to have a lot of women hot for him. If you're going to watch it on film, watch the Swedish original TV series version with Noomi Rapace - the cinema forms were cut down from these. Blindingly good thrillers. The big Hollywood version was alright, but sort of unnecessary. Sticking with Sweden - one of the best vampire films I've seen is 'Let The Right One In'. So… Swedish, but so in tune with alienated kids. Powerful. 

I also have become a fan of Once Upon A Time series. Very good mash of all the old fairy tales with twin storylines weaving in and out of storybook and storybook. It's never twee, quite intelligent and the original back-stories to some of the Grimm characters is often pretty insightful. 

Of course, Homeland was a ball-tearer. As was Boardwalk Empire (which I still haven't finished). Australian shows worth a look were things like Rake, Redfern Now (though at times self conscious), Howzat! We have a ton of cinematic talent in this country and too few opportunities to make good use fo them. 

Okay - a big plug  for Dan Hayward's This is Roller Derby as well. Really caught the essential spirit of this girls only grass roots sport. I love their 'fuck you' attitude. Get the DVD.

And another for my dear friend Mira Bartok's 'The Memory Palace' book - how such an upbringing could produce such a lovely person as her and her sister, proves there is far more to nature than nurture. Their mother was clearly a brilliant mind hijacked by schizophrenia. Turns out their mother was a huge fan of comics too, only she never let on. 

Of course, travelling a lot allowed me to see a huge amount of art and architecture that I've only ever seen in books. By far and away the best major art museum that I've seen so far is the Prado in Madrid - gosh, you only have to walk into the room with Goya' Night Pictures to realise what heights art can attain. The Prado is blessed with huge collections of two of the best painters who ever lived in Goya and Velaquez, who were both Spaniard and court painters, so I guess the Prado being made of the royal collection, they had an advantage. But it also has Bosch' 'Garden Of Earthly Delights' which is something any art lover has to see in the original.

Whilst in town, see the Thyssen-Borezma collection of modern art which is one of the very best I've seen. Also saw a lovely retrospective of Odilon Redon whilst in town. Picasso' Guernica is also worth the pilgrimage. Seeing Duchamp' collection at the Philadephia Museum of Fine Art was amazing. I paid my repsects to 'The Large Glass' at last. The Barnes collection in the same city is amazing though way too much of Renoir, whom I have no time for his endless soft porn pics of pudgy women and twee kids.

Barcelona - the famous uncompleted Gaudi cathedral - it is truly, truly breathtaking - a work of astonishing beauty. But the 12th C El Sur cathedral is also gob-smacking beautiful - I'm never short of being astonished at what medieval craftsmen could achieve. And the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao lives up to and exceeds all expectations. But Bilbao itself is more than this museum too. I did see Leonardo' 'Last Supper'  in Milan, too; yes, it is quite remarkable and more so how it survived the rest of the building being leveled in WW2. I could go on and on. Shows - saw a a few of them, too. 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" with Geoffrey Rush was fabulous. I'll stop now. 

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year? 

Well, if by that you mean I have spent waayyy too much time traveling, doing shows, conferences, organising events and not enough at the drawing board, then you'd count that as a change. It's one I welcome, but I have to scale back. I have a book to do and in answer to my most FAQ: yes, the Fight is on the way but not due out until April 2015. In terms of working methodology, yes things are changing all the time. I write more with pictures these days than with words - akin to my core thesis of what comics are. 

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Gosh where to start again?

Um… well, clearly the Caravan part 2 heading to TCAF in May. I wil also be presenting at the International Comic Arts Forum in POrtland,OR, that same month. I will be hanging around stateside for a while and then heading to Italy to break the back of my Masters thesis project - a comic installation for a gallery exhibition.

Then the SPXO show in September - another Caravan style trip to showcase Australian and NZ art to the Yanks. It'll be something special and anyone who wants in, can come. Some funding will be available.

The Canberra residency.

Assuming and making use of my appointment as the holder of the Australian Society of Authors Comics and Graphic Novels portfolio. I have plans for this to take representation and the Australian industry to a new level.

Producing lots of comics somehow amidst all this. More events. more everything. Maybe find love too.

2012 in Review: Bruce Mutard Part One

 Bruce Mutard

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Where can I start with this?

Bologna Childrens Book Fair - 15 times the size of Supageddacon and vastly more interesting. You'll never see such a concentration of illustration talent from all over the world. Amazing. I plan to create an Australian comics showcase to go there in 2014.

Meeting Robert and Aline Crumb at the opening of his retrospective in Paris.
Presenting papers on comics at University of Arts, London; Mansfield College, Oxford; Loughborough University.

Attending the SPXO, which was basically Artists Alley made up only of comics and about the size of Supageddacon. Amazing.

Meeting Chris Ware, Charles Burns, Dan Clowes, Adrian Tomine, Los Bros Hernandez and Francoise Mouly at SPXO. Okay, so I'm a fame junkie. Sue me.

Winning an Australia Council grant to produce the Fight in 2013-14.

Winning an Australia Council grant to take Caravan of Comics to TCAF in 2014.

The Graphic Novels Melbourne Filming process and premiere - even if I did look like a sad sack at the end. Adam Sandler will have to play me in the fictional version of my life.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Mirranda Burton - her book 'Hidden' is brilliant and she has some exciting projects up her sleeve. 

Jesca Marisa is a Sth African expat who now lives in NZ. I met her at Sydney Supanova. She has a book called Awakenings that is ravishingly beautiful to look at. She is also an animator whose films are equally good. I am reminded of Miyazaki. She has work to do on her storytelling, but she'll go far I'm sure. She'll be at Big Arse 3 to launch her book in Melbourne. 

Lisbeth Russell, known by her stage name Black Betty, I met at Perth Supanova, is an ex-pat Dane who is a cartoonist, designer, burlesque artist and model for off-mainstream fashion and photographers. She's in Perth and has become a really good friend of mine. Talent to burn. 

 Marijka Gooding is a recent graduate graphic designer I met at a talk I gave at Monash Uni, whereupon it seemed clear she had a very strong interest in comix. I caught up with her later in the year when I recommended her as a designer to Milk Shadow Books and 12 Panels Press. She will also do the design work on books I am publishing  - under Fabliaux imprint. She wrote and drew a comic, Strange Behaviour for her Honours thesis and it is an amazingly accomplished book notwithstanding the fact it's her first. The book's not up on her site unfortunately. 

Badaude (real name Joanna Walsh), whom I met as a consequence of sharing a panel at the Melbourne Writers Festival. A writer/illustrator of observation and life. I still haven't seen her book though one was meant to be sent to me. Interesting woman though I wouldn't say we hit it off in any brilliant way. Worth a look though. 

Caitlin Pesky of Pesky Studios. Met her as a consequence of being invited to participate in an exhibition she organised for the Fringe Festival called This Is Melbourne. She worked in the rag trade (desiging the anonymous images that go on all the clothes for chain stores like Target and Kmart). She has moved out of it to become an illustrator and artist who can at last sign her name to her work. 

Serena Geddes - whom I met in Bologna, is a very talented and lovely woman who is primarily a picture book illustrator. 

Lesley Vamos - another I met in Bologna, coming from an animation background and now does primarily picture books and some comics. Incredibly fast and reminds me a lot of Doug Holgate in style. You should see her go when she is sketching for food… whooboy.  

And check out Dan Drobik who just emailed me for advice. Just graduated from Monash fine art, too. Referred to by a good friend of mine who was a fellow student and orthodox Jewish grandmother (not kidding). She wants Dan to go on the straight and narrow. What, and waste a good filthy mind like this?

Tamryn Louise - another ex pat Saffa, whom I've not met, but put onto by Jesca and Neville. 

Also, the poster artist for This is Roller Derby, Dave um… forgot his surname. Gosh this bloke is better than good. He even digitally paints using a mouse! NO!

2012 in Review: Doug Holgate

Doug Holgate

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

It's been another pretty busy year, but I think having a book I worked on for Harper Collins, Planet Tad, featured briefly on the Daily Show, winning gold in a category of the Illustrators Australia awards and the Oz Comic-Con events in Perth and Melbourne were all standouts.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I seem to find new cartoonists and illustrators every couple of weeks, it's kind of part of my process I guess, to keep inspired and connected to what is going on in the world, so it's hard to list them all. But the people I've come back to numerous times this year (as well as in some cases formed some new friendships with) would be Jez Tuya (Brilliant, inspiring up and coming cartoonist and character designer from NZ), Rebecca Dart (Everything she touches is amazing, incredible character, energy and fun).

Tristan Jones (Probably one of the biggest inspirations for me this year in pushing myself to get a little looser and quicker with my own work) and Tony Cliff (Artist on one of my favourite comics/webcomics from the last decade I think, Delilah Dirk). I haven't really read much in the way of comics, but of what I have read Craig Thompson's Habibi stayed with me for weeks after reading. The new Prophet series (Brandon Graham and Simon Roy) from Image comics is a great big ridiculous space opera and Infinite Kung Fu by Kagan Macleod was a fantastic love letter to the history of kung fu in pop culture.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Lots of great movies, Looper, Cabin In the Woods, Dredd, Argo. My one major love outside of cartooning is history and politics, in particular the United States, so i was pretty consumed by the 2012 US election the last 12 months. I've been reading a lot of crime fiction this year especially a number of George Pelacanos' novels plus a lot of visits to the Zoo and the Melbourne Museum this year with the 3 year old.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Most of my freelance work is very clean and tight and as i said earlier, inspired by work the likes of Tristan Jones, Simon Roy, Toby Cypress, I've tried to play around with being a little looser with my personal work. So playing around with more blacks, textures and freeing my line-work up a little bit. Hopefully i can take a few more steps in that direction next year.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Getting my all ages graphic novel, Clementine Hetherington and the Ironwood Race, co created with and written by Jen Breach further along and to hopefully find her a home (Clementine, not Jen). Completing the Rombies: Ex Legio Mortis graphic novel, written by Christian Read for Gestalt Comics and some other comics and book illustration projects I can't really talk about just yet. The release of the first and second books in the Case File 13 series from Random House and hopefully another Planet Tad will be out next year. I also missed out on a number of planned OS trips this year due to timing and finances so hopefully carving out some time to get to TCAF, SPX or NYC con as well as some more local shows would be great!

2012 in Review: Gregory Mackay

Gregory Mackay

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Witnessing the opening of Squishface Studio the year was great, knowing there are a group of cartoonists just down the road is reassuring. Also the reoccurring Big Arse comics launch is great to see. The Chugnut retreat was a highlight, it's great to work alongside other cartoonists with few distractions and get some serious work done as well as hangout with people who are doing such great work. I enjoyed staying in the little huts and walking around at night.

Having my comic 'Slow Panic' published in the Tasmanian Literary Journal "The Island" was great. The comic, which won the Lord Mayors Creative Writing award for best graphic short story, was also published in the French Turkey Comics at around the same time.

The Comics Caravan trip was an epic journey, we covered a lot of ground and saw some amazing comics as well as touring New York, Toronto and Chicago. Meeting Chester Brown and having him remember my old comics was very special. I really liked touring around in cars and vans with so many great cartoonists, in such inspiring surrounds. MOCCA fest was really energising in New York, as was TCAF in Toronto. Seeing the basement at Quimby's Books and seeing The Trials of Francis Bear on sale there completed a long time goal.

Launching my new Francis Bear book at the Melbourne Writers festival was also a highlight.  Working with James Andre of Milk Shadow books was fun as we got the book to print in record time. I wasn't sure about  speaking in front of a big crowd like that, but I don't think I did too badly. Releasing the book has been marvelous and it's great to get so many new readers.

I travelled to Florida to participate in the Atlantic Centre for the Arts Graphic Novel residency. It was a three week residency with master artist Dean Haspiel. We hung out in the Florida sun and worked on and discussed comics and storytelling. I made some great new friends and learned a lot about comics in general. Megan Kelso was also great to chat to at the residency and in general all of the 24 cartoonists and writers were amazing to learn from. Talking to Tom Hart about Francis Bear was insightful, as I had identified a few areas I could have done things better.

I then traveled to New York again for the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. I was caught up in Hurricane Sandy so getting around New York was a bit tough for a few days. After chatting to Chris Ware on the streets of Brooklyn and conversing with Charles Burns at the festival after party, the problems of staying in a disaster area seemed to vanish. Desert Island books were great in taking on the new book as were so many other comic shops in NY.

Being involved in projects that formed out of the residency has been a great challenge too. Filming for Graphic Novels Melbourne was great, even though I ended up on the cutting room floor. Seeing such a great and well realised film about local comics is truly heartening. Being a part of a separate documentary short film about my work was also interesting, look for it in the new year.

Self Publishing one 180 page book and writing two new books and working three jobs has been tiring, so I haven't had time for a lot of things I wanted to be a part of.  Getting picked up by Milk Shadow has meant a lot. Next year won't be as packed, so intend to get more comics done.
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I discovered the work of Abner Dean and the incredible Gluyas Williams. These are comics greats from way back. Recent people would be Julie Wertz, Dustin Harbin, Michael DeForge and Julia Gfüroer plus many others.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I enjoyed watching the Presidential Election unfold in New York, my new comics buddies shed a tear during Obama's acceptance speech. Being in NY for the Hurricane was especially strange. Attending the ballet to see Swan Lake was pretty special, I was really stunned by the spectacle and energy, I love how the crowd boos the villain at the end. Seeing the new 4k print of Raiders of Lost Ark, was cool. You can see the edges where the effects have been spliced in. Going to MOMA, The Guggenheim, The Met and just hanging out on the streets of Brooklyn all informed my work. Playing the survival horror game Day Z at home on the PC got me through a lot of dark times, finally an emotional  game with no objectives that's endlessly playable.

Working as an Associate Director of The Other Film Festival was an experience. Getting to be a part of such an important festival here in Melbourne was really educational. Seeing so many films about disability that really emphasise the lived experience of people with a disability was edifying and emotional. Chatting with filmmaker Adam Elliott about story telling and animation was intriguing and I think I learnt  a lot from him about starting projects. Traveling throughout Australia for my regular job took time away from my comics, but allowed me to travel overseas and have great adventures.
Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I was always criticised for working small, so many people work on a huge scale. I tried this for a while on my new book only to realise during the residency that I should work actual size like Francis Bear. This has made a huge difference in my work surprisingly and I feel I can get a better result. Sticking with the Brause no 18 nib has been important, I was thinking of changing to a Nikko nib, but after a while I could see that I could get a unique recognisable line from the Brause. I love Multi-liners with their replaceable parts, but Microns can take so much more punishment it seems.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I have some new books in the works, and I am looking forward to finishing those. I have decided to give Francis Bear a short break to work on something else completely different.  I am also working on a children's graphic novel and several other short and long term comics projects.

2012 in Review: James Andre - Milk Shadow Books

Can you talk about personnel changes for MSB this year?
Yeah, there's been a lot of shuffling about this year. Unfortunately we lost Brendan Halyday as our main art director. He's moved on to focus on his own art again. In his place we gained two new book designers. Matt Revert and Marijka Gooding. We also have an intern, Laura Renfrew lined up to start next year.

They're a good bunch. They're willing to take risks and stand by their creative decisions, and yet still be flexible in bringing out what the artist wants.

Also my partner, Matilde, and LukePickett who controls the website side of things over in Canada have really helped keep things running smoothly whenever there's been problems too.

What have been the highlights of 2012 for MSB?

We've be involved some great launches, the Skinny and Big Arse Launches. Moving into graphic novel territory. Finding and releasing work by new artists. Getting the website looking snazzy. Seeing our work in the Graphic Novels! Melbourne! doco film. And yeah, Getting on Neighbours.

Will MSB be implementing any digital publishing initiatives?

We've also got a account set up. Nothing released through them yet though. We tried to contact Comixology too. No response. Although it looks like they generally just work with the bigger publishers. But yeah, we're definitely interested and still looking into it more.

What will MSB be doing differently if anything in 2012?

A few things. We're also looking into some wider distro networks within the comics community. More on that soon though.

Any forthcoming MSB projects you can tease?

Yeah, there's a few. We've got A Brush with Darkness by Dillon Naylor, You Stink and I Don't Volumes One and Two by Ben Hutchings, Mr Unpronounceable Adventures by Tim Molloy, Yuck! #7, a graphic novel sized Allochthonous Pop by myself and Luke Pickett, some Da 'n' Dil and a few other things.

I feel slightly sick looking at how much work it'll all be, but it's a good kind of sick.