Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 in Review: Richard Fairgray

Terry Jones and Richard Fairgray

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Finally being able to release Blastosaurus in print after having no control over the rights to it for so long. Also, launching the book in London was cool, it was strange being at a convention where such a huge percentage of attendees were there specifically to look at comics instead of video games or whatever else.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I'm embarrassed to say it but until this year I had never read anything by Dave Sim. It's still all new to me (and surprisingly hard to track down) but Cerebus is just incredible. I really admire his dedication to that project and willingness to have it drive him to such a point of insanity to get it finished.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Finally got around to reading The Secret History, Slaughterhouse V, The Virgin Suicides and a handful of other books that had been sitting in a pile in my office for a long time taunting me.

In terms of film, I sort of liked Looper but not enough to rant and rave about it. I'd like to go on record here as saying that Dark Knight Rises was literally the worst film I have ever seen in a cinema.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I've begun a few new projects in 2012 which have been fun to work on. The most interesting for me is the Blastosaurus spin off 'No Added Color.' It's a comic specifically designed to be in black and white (the stories rely on it and the art is driven by shadow). It's been fun for me because usually my scripts are so defined when I begin drawing (a 70 page script for a 24 page comic with full panel by panel breakdowns already figured out) and with these stories I'm not limited by issue format or page numbers or worrying about the main continuity (the stories are all canonical but are set in between the significant events of the color series).

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Two new volumes of Blastosaurus, 2 new volumes of No Added Color, 4 new issues of Ghost Ghost, the 20th book of I Fight Crime, the first Ghost Ghost picture book...maybe taking a day off. of No Added Color, 4 new issues of Ghost Ghost, the 20th book of I Fight Crime, the first Ghost Ghost picture book...maybe taking a day off.

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