Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 in Review: Simon Hanselmann

 Simon Hanselmann
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

It's been a pretty surreal year for me... the biggest highlight I can't even talk about yet. but yeah, getting asked to be in Smoke Signal was pretty big for me, and the response to Truth Zone has been really awesome (big shout-out to Frankie Santoro). Also: getting asked to pitch shit to frederator was pretty flattering... the whole year's just been one big highlight pretty much.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Currently i'm really into Dane Martin (superhuman depression gag writer), Aidan Koch (dream weaver), Lala Albert (not human), Royce Icon (sweetheart), Heather Benjamin (disgusting)... that's just the tip of the iceberg... there's so much shit going on right now...

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

My whole year has pretty much just been about comics, I find it difficult to focus on anything else...

I was reading the new Murakami (1Q84) and digging it a lot but i still haven't finished it. Rupaul's Drag Race is still the best thing on television, nothing else even comes close. my favourite movie I saw was young adult. best music: BROTHERS HAND MIRROR.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Nah. still just set up in the living room, hanging out with my girlfriend, pounding shit out, trying not to have a nervous breakdown.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I'm working over summer on a new 60ish page Megg and Mogg book that should be out in march from space face books, then HTML flowers and I have a show in Madrid in may, then I'm finishing up my big 200 page Megg and Mogg book and getting it print-ready, then going to NYC in October for Halloween and BCGF... Oh, and i'm putting together an anthology in February called VICTORIA DRUG SCENE. And a million other little things. And more therapy.

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