Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Gems: Pearson + Parrish + Pitt & Painted Cereal Advertising


I like the colour work Katie Parrish has been posting at

Three original Stanley Pitt Flash Gordon illustrations at the Bristol Board. (H/T Comics Reporter)

12 page Marc Pearson comic based on 12 year-old Mei Teimeyer’s DOLF character sheet printed last year in the providence comics consortium's Classic Characters 1.

20 Comics You Can Buy From The Sticky Institute Right Now

The following sweet comic jams are currently at The Sticky Institute,10 Campbell Arcade, Degraves Subway, Melbourne.


 Refugee Art Project Zine #3 - The Cartoons of Mohammad

 Refugee Art Project Zine #2 - Tribute to Ahmad Ali Jafari

 Rufugee Art Project Zine #4 - Murtaza Ali Jafari

Happy 51st Birthday Gary Chaloner