Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012 in Review: Sarah Howell

Sarah Howell

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

It has been a massive year when it comes to comics stuff for me, there have been lots of great times, but if I have to name a handful they would be: starting Squishface Studio; starting the Ladies Drawing Auxiliary talk series at Squishface; teaching cartooning on a weekly basis; meeting Bill Messner-Leobs (co-writer of The Maxx) and his wife at a very pleasant comics meet in Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Dave (Blumenstein) giving John Porcellino a copy of my comic when he met him at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival.
Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Organising Ladies drawing Auxiliary has introduced me to a pile of new creators that I wasn't aware of, or only knew a little bit about: Scarlette Baccini, Lily Mae Martin, Lee Lai, Megan Nairn, Leonie V. Brialey, Kate Moon, Adi Firth, Rebecca Hayes, Katie Houghton-Ward, and Lindsay C. Walker.
Also I read Jason Franks' work for the first time. I picked up The Sixsmiths from him at Sticky's Festival of the Photocopier. The Sixsmiths made me laugh and it captures the feeling of suburban Melbourne really well.

Probably my favorite international find was Englishman Luke Pearson. I read his Hilda and the Midnight Giant earlier in the year, and then picked up Everything We Miss from his publisher Nobrow Press while in Toronto. There is an influence from Chris Ware in Pearson's work, but his obvious love of the mythic makes his stories far more entertaining and moving for me.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I watched Wings of Desire again, mostly so Dave could see Peter Falk in it. I came home the next evening to find Dave listening to the Director's commentary, which was fascinating. The film wasn't scripted, Wim Wenders had a framework of the opening poem and the idea of the angels wandering around Berlin (this is before the wall comes down), but everything else is pretty much improvised. I found his comments resonated with my own preferred way of working.

Breaking Bad. I find Breaking Bad emotionally very affecting. Dave often watches it late at night before bed and I have to put ear plugs in because it agitates me too much before trying to sleep. Again we listened to the director and cast commentary and it is very inspiring, the amount and quality of thought and intention that goes into achieving the emotional tension of the show.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Research and writing a script! I mostly drew silent comics in the past and never enjoyed writing a script because for me the images always develop first in my mind, so I would thumbnail script. Last year I found myself inspired to do a historical comic and started researching. I was confident that I could just thumbnail script again, and was quite resistant to writing one, but as my research notes progressed I just got to a point where I realised for clarity and speed I needed to write the sequences and dialogue out. Now I'm really enjoying the process.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

More Squishface adventures, particularly Ladies Drawing Auxiliary. Mini Comic of the Month Club. Getting all nerdy at the National Archives and Old Parliament House in Canberra with the aim of getting a good chunk of my graphic novel done. Dave's comic about a fictional cult leader.

2012 in Review: Kelly Sheehan

Kelly Sheehan

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Seeing Darren start a new Inhabitants episode. Titled A Day at the Races it features new characters, the foregrounding of previous background characters and the backgrounding of previous foreground characters. It was meant to appear in the first issue of Fraction but fell victim to real life and will now, hopefully, appear in the second issue. Also finishing the latest of our little 'netsuke' comics. All going to plan I should be picking it up from the copy shop next week. Keep eyes peeled for Some were meant for sea. 

Enjoyed contributing to Bob's Tearoom of despair and subsequently being linked to by Tom Spurgeon. Writing for Bob's blog suggested some possibilities for writing comics which I'm slowly trying to sort out in my head. Nice to be included in Dylan's catalogue of New Zealand comics creators.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Am enjoying Brian K Vaughn's Saga. I've waited for years to like something by that guy. Y the last man left me cold and I wanted to enjoy Ex-machina but something didn't quite click. Saga grabbed me right away. Jonathan Hickman's Manhattan Projects is fun. It's good to have a monthly(ish) comic that I look forward to. Been a while since I felt that sort of regular anticipation. There's a seat of pants feel to the book that makes you feel Hickman is having the time of his life making it all up as he goes along. Great stuff.

Prophet from Brandon Graham and friends is my hands down favourite for this year. Like Hickman's comic there is a feeling of a free wheelin' good time. Reading interviews with Graham and co you get the idea that the creators are always trying to top each other. All of those titles have the fun, smart feel I associate with reading 2000ad when I was young. 

Finally, she's not new but I really liked Alison Bechdel's Are You My Mother? There seems to have been an almost indifferent response to it's release. I find this puzzling considering the accolades heaped on Fun Home. Anyway it's an astonishing piece of work and is less an autobiography than an interrogation of Bechdel's relationship with her mother in the form of a comics essay.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Breaking Bad season 5. David Thomson's The Big Screen, a history of film, the screens we watch it on and an exploration of the dangerous effect it has on us as individuals and as a culture. Thomson's vision is pessimistic, but so beautifully expressed that you can't help but be swept along. Some of the dead are still breathing:living in the future by Charles Bowden. Even more jaded than Thomson, Bowden has been covering the Mexican Drug War for way too long. This book is a collection of intermittent writings knitted together into a dream meditation on the coming world and the ecological and moral apocalypse we are staring down the barrel of. Excellent.

Mitch Jenkin's and Alan Moore's Jimmy's End was great. It is interesting to see Moore trying to come to grips with a new form. Not all of it worked but when it did Jimmy's End was fantastic. My favourite part was the end, it was like Moore had driven one of his spoken word pieces at high speed into the back end of Jenkins' film (though the gold face paint was a bit silly). Oh, and reading all of A song of ice and fire in a binge that lasted six week. When's the next one out?  

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

No. I still don't work regularly enough. I still have things that are half finished. That still makes me feel guilty  Would like to say this will change in 2013 but I doubt it.

What are you looking forward to in 2013? 

Making more comics with Darren. Seeing some of our work being part of the exhibition at St Pauls Street Gallery. Finally getting hold of Tim Molloy's It shines, it shakes and laughs (and his new Mr Unpronouncable book).  The combined thrill power of LofEG:Heart of ice and Jerusalem. Hanging with fellow cartoonists at various events. Seeing more work from Mr Timothy Kidd. Family stuff.

Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 in Review: Jason Chatfield

Jason Chatfield

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Personally I've been very grateful to have served out my term as President of the Australian Cartoonists' Association with a great team. I could have been lumped with a board of people who don't want to get anything done, but the great enthusiasm of people like Jules Faber and Peter Broelman have been a huge support. The addition of Comic Book Artist as a category in the Stanley Awards/Year Book/Membership Category is a very good indication of where the club is headed; a broader, more accepting association for not just newspaper cartoonists. Also taking the club online was something I'm proud of having achieved. It's a step in the right direction for the industry's future.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I finally got to meet Chris Wahl at the Stanleys Conference. I've been a big fan of his work for years -his line-work is enviably perfect. I also got to hang out with Sam Viviano, Art Director of MAD Magazine. His movie parodies in MAD were always excellent, and he's a great artist to talk with about having a successful career of growing as an artist, instead of stagnating and doing the same work over and over.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Glimpse, was a side-project I worked on this year of which I'm very grateful to have been asked to be a part of. It was a nice side-step from drawing a red-headed 12 year old all day. In short, it was a show with some incredibly talented Australian actors, with my work being projected and animated up behind them as they performed. I made a process video here:

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Yeah - after spending most of my twenties as a night owl, working til 4 and waking at 12, I've gone to bed before midnight and got up early to work. I'm about as productive as before, but I don't feel like crap. I was dragging my body around and treating it like crap, slumped over the computer screen all night. I've switched to working at a Standing Desk now, with the Cintiq at about eye level. My neck pain has mysteriously disappeared.... How bout that.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Having more time to accept bigger projects, now that my time isn't as committed to the role of President. It was a rewarding position to be in, but it literally worked out to be like having a full time job for two years, on top of everything else. I'm doing my first solo show as a Stand-up in the 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Integrating the technology I learned doing Glimpse, I'm animating my work live while doing comedy. Could bomb terribly, but I'm trying it anyway. It'll be at 7:15pm at the Portland Hotel from 9th - 21st April 2013.

2012 in Review: Gary Chaloner

Gary Chaloner

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Twenty-twelve started off being a very bad year (continuing on from an even worse 2011, filled with death and mayhem), but over the last six months, things have really turned around with a lot of work being done and cleared off the drawing board that should be seeing the light of day in the new year. I had a blast taking over from Emily Smith on Gestalt's Unmasked, written by Christian Read. By year's end I should be finished that. I've also got the first issue of The Undertaker Morton Stone in the bag for Gestalt as well. Issues two and three of the series are almost finished. On a good productive roll there. I've also been doing a lot of illustration work for a new series of adventure paperbacks featuring Doc Wilde by Tim Byrd. It was a very successful Kickstarter campaign that's now getting into high gear. The first book in the series should be available within the month. 

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Kranburn by Ben Michael Byrne was a nice discovery. Enjoying that a lot. The story and characters have a lot of presence and Byrne's writing in general sucks you in and takes you along for the crazy ride.

Blue by Pat Grant was brilliant and totally deserves all the praise its getting. A well executed project from beginning to end. Utilising both web and print to maximum effect. Nicely designed, nicely drawn, nicely told.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Movies? John Carter, Prometheus, Dark Knight Rises (Bane's voice not so much), Avengers (Captain America's modern outfit, not so much). Yes, they're the usual suspects, but I didn't have much time to see too many flicks, so the big ones stood out.

Books? Went through a James Ellroy phase. Read the Underworld USA trilogy: American Tabloid (again), The Cold Six Thousand (again) and Blood's a Rover. I'm so over him now.

TV? The Walking Dead. Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Bored to Death.

Music? Springsteen (The Promise and Wrecking Ball), My Morning Jacket, David Ruffin

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

God knows I try. But old habits die hard. Always searching for ways to speed up productivity while maintaining quality, but the older I get, the more comfortable I am with the old ways and the more unsatisfied I am with digital art, disposable pens, non-sable brushes. The big change is working standing up. The body knows no pain now.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Seeing all the stuff I've been working on recently getting out and about. An Unmasked print collection! More Undertaker!! Doc Wilde!!! I might even get around to finishing my Breckenridge Elkins adaption.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the revamped Ledger Awards (or whatever they'll be called) getting back up and running under the auspices of Supanova.

Now that the Australian Comics Journal website has been bubbling along with baby steps over the last six months, I'd like to see what the next phase for that is.
I've also got a secret graphic novel project for Gestalt to return to (working like a Trojan tin the meantime...) and a The Jackaroo collection to get out this year. So I hope another big, productive year is on the way.

2012 in Review: James Davidson

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Receiving my copies of Moa 2 from the printer and looking at my work in colour for the first time. When I opened the box I was like wow! I’m a comic artist. Also, getting picked up by Pikitia Press really affirmed for me the value in making comics and the work I had been doing.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I picked up a cheap copy of Howard Chaykin’s American Flagg volume one at the Hamilton Armageddon this year. This is the first opportunity that I have had to actually read some of his work. His layouts and especially his use of text and words as a compositional element have been something I want to develop in my own work.
What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012? 

My family and I recently went to see the Mary Poppins show at the Civic in Auckland. The kids loved it and the sets were spectacular. More 3D then a 3D movie!

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Moving to colour has been the most noticeable change for me. After seeing issue one printed in black and white I knew I had to take the plunge and give colour a crack. My first attempts to colour Moa turned out pretty bad, thank goodness for youtube! I can honestly say that everything I know about colouring comics I learnt on youtube.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Making more comics! I’m aiming to get issues 1, 2 and 3 collected through Pikitia Press early in 2013. I would also like to get issues 4 and 5 released although, getting that many pages finished might be a bit of a stretch.

2012 in Review: Ive Sorocuk

Ive Sorocuk

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Being a part of Squishface and having it be five minutes away from my home. Having my first solo exhibition in years, using it as an excuse to tighten up and show some process doodles. I brought out two zines made up of sketchbook drawings that I see no reason not to keep doing. Came out with The Diggables Handbook minicomic which got a nice response.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
I recently read Sanctuary, a manga by by Sho Fumimura and Ryoichi Ikegami from the early 90's about the yakuza and Japanese politics. The cleanness and consistency in the art plus the over dramatic dialogue makes me want to seek out more by them. Checked out all the Brubaker/Philips crime comics I could find this year and they blew me away and made me really want to do my own noir stuff. Jason, Brandon Graham, DMZ, Fables, Darwyn Cooke's Parker are all things I hadn't read until this year.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Breaking Bad has never done me wrong. The Walt vs Gus season stressed my guts out every single episode. Adventure Time has always been good but it's really gone up a few notches in the last two seasons as it goes back on itself and creates a continuity rather than being as stagnant as most cartoons. I've been working my way through the original Twilight Zone and it's like a straight version of everything I love about Silver Age comics. I feel not enough people talk about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The Muppets made me bawl my eyes out both times I saw it. Beasts of the Southern Wild got me drawing horns on everything.

As part of my BrunswickArts duties I attended as many graduation showsas possible and that was pretty inspiring. There were a few stand out things but mainly just seeing young folk busting their butts as creatively as they can got me pumped and made me question why I'm not drawing all day every day.

The food at Squishface's Exhibitchin' will be hard to top.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Being at Squishface allows me to throw around ideas and jokes and get feedback on things in progress rather than just doing a page and hoping for the best. The biggest change I've made is starting to worry about whether my finished art actually looks good or not. I used to be all about visual short-cuts and as long as a reader could tell my drawing of a table is
meant to be a table then that was fine, where as now I try and draw the best darn table I can. I've barely implemented that in my monthly Comics Face strips but it was my main focus in my Diggables minicomic.

Also, I dressed as a cowboy at three separate special comic occasions.
I want to do more of this.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?
I have a few vague ideas for my next comic and I want to lock one down before next year. Camp Chugnut, another exhibition both group and solo, Squishface 1st Birthday Spectacular, hopefully a con somewhere and a book launch.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 in Review: Simon Hanselmann

 Simon Hanselmann
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

It's been a pretty surreal year for me... the biggest highlight I can't even talk about yet. but yeah, getting asked to be in Smoke Signal was pretty big for me, and the response to Truth Zone has been really awesome (big shout-out to Frankie Santoro). Also: getting asked to pitch shit to frederator was pretty flattering... the whole year's just been one big highlight pretty much.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Currently i'm really into Dane Martin (superhuman depression gag writer), Aidan Koch (dream weaver), Lala Albert (not human), Royce Icon (sweetheart), Heather Benjamin (disgusting)... that's just the tip of the iceberg... there's so much shit going on right now...

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

My whole year has pretty much just been about comics, I find it difficult to focus on anything else...

I was reading the new Murakami (1Q84) and digging it a lot but i still haven't finished it. Rupaul's Drag Race is still the best thing on television, nothing else even comes close. my favourite movie I saw was young adult. best music: BROTHERS HAND MIRROR.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Nah. still just set up in the living room, hanging out with my girlfriend, pounding shit out, trying not to have a nervous breakdown.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I'm working over summer on a new 60ish page Megg and Mogg book that should be out in march from space face books, then HTML flowers and I have a show in Madrid in may, then I'm finishing up my big 200 page Megg and Mogg book and getting it print-ready, then going to NYC in October for Halloween and BCGF... Oh, and i'm putting together an anthology in February called VICTORIA DRUG SCENE. And a million other little things. And more therapy.

2012 in Review: Richard Fairgray

Terry Jones and Richard Fairgray

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Finally being able to release Blastosaurus in print after having no control over the rights to it for so long. Also, launching the book in London was cool, it was strange being at a convention where such a huge percentage of attendees were there specifically to look at comics instead of video games or whatever else.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I'm embarrassed to say it but until this year I had never read anything by Dave Sim. It's still all new to me (and surprisingly hard to track down) but Cerebus is just incredible. I really admire his dedication to that project and willingness to have it drive him to such a point of insanity to get it finished.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Finally got around to reading The Secret History, Slaughterhouse V, The Virgin Suicides and a handful of other books that had been sitting in a pile in my office for a long time taunting me.

In terms of film, I sort of liked Looper but not enough to rant and rave about it. I'd like to go on record here as saying that Dark Knight Rises was literally the worst film I have ever seen in a cinema.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I've begun a few new projects in 2012 which have been fun to work on. The most interesting for me is the Blastosaurus spin off 'No Added Color.' It's a comic specifically designed to be in black and white (the stories rely on it and the art is driven by shadow). It's been fun for me because usually my scripts are so defined when I begin drawing (a 70 page script for a 24 page comic with full panel by panel breakdowns already figured out) and with these stories I'm not limited by issue format or page numbers or worrying about the main continuity (the stories are all canonical but are set in between the significant events of the color series).

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Two new volumes of Blastosaurus, 2 new volumes of No Added Color, 4 new issues of Ghost Ghost, the 20th book of I Fight Crime, the first Ghost Ghost picture book...maybe taking a day off. of No Added Color, 4 new issues of Ghost Ghost, the 20th book of I Fight Crime, the first Ghost Ghost picture book...maybe taking a day off.

2012 in Review: Jase Harper

Jase Harper

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

I’d have to say collecting and printing my comic strips at this year’s Sticky zine fair, was a lot of fun and I got lots of positive feedback which is always nice. Another highlight was visiting the Small press Expo in the states and getting to see comic Gods, Ware, Burns and Clowes all in the same room.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Joseph Lambert. I picked up his book ‘I will bite you!’ at SPX this year. His stories are playful, beautiful and surreal. ‘Turtle keep it steady’ from that book is probably my fave thing this year.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I saw a retrospective of the Quay brothers at Moma that was amazing.  After pouring over their animations at art college it was mind blowing to see their stop motion sets first hand, So beautiful and creepy.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I came to a realisation that doing super clean artwork is painful and I just don’t enjoy it anymore, for my personal work at least. Swapping to brush pens was a big step, It gave my line work a bit more of a lively feel, plus I’m able to produce a page much quicker now.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

For those who are members of the Mini Comic of the Month club I’ll be releasing my 16 pg mini in January. I'm a few pages in and really enjoying it. I also have a chapter in Jason Franks next Sixsmiths book, which I’m pretty chuffed about. I’m also looking forward to finishing my long form comic sometime next year as well, it’s well overdue. As for other people’s work. I’m super keen to see Tim Molloy’s next book as well as more of J Stew’s Giants.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 in Review: Jerome Bihan

Jerome Bihan

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Most certainly going to the Angouleme festival. I had a stall at a side event  (as in called the Festival Off) with pretty much all the local and international small press. Great time to meet people and check out the HUUUUGE independent scene going in Europe. I actually made a full comic out of it. Also went to some other small press expo such as ELCAF in London (organised by NoBrow) again another overwhelming event.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I could not really isolate one. Firstly there are people I have been in contact with and who I asked to contribute to Radio as Paper such as Ludmilla Bartscht, James Turek, Anna Hailfisch, Sharmila Banerjee, Martin Ernstern, Alexandre de Mote and many more.

There is a lot going on in Europe at the moment for independent comics.I don't think there has been as many indie publishers as there is now. There is a lot of books coming out in France every year (I think there is about 5 thousand titles a year) but I guess to name a few 'established artists' I could name Jc Menu, Mattt Konture, Jonathan Larabie, Max de Radiques who's latest comic called Moose is available through Oily . Also Joseph Lambert who I discovered though his website and oh, yeah, I think Simon Hanselmann is pretty rad.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Short stories and essays I guess. 'A Dreary story' by Anton Chekhov, Inside the whale by Orwell, Barjavel. I have been watching Treme also by David Simon , the walking dead tv show is also on my list for 2012...what else, hum, Nite Jewel, Bill Callahan, Prinzhorn dance school.That's about it for music. And eating proper French bread again, I fucking missed it man!

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Yeah, I am getting slow (haha). I've been trying to layer pages a different way, I try not to fill them too much. Embracing the greys. If there is a sentence to define my method in 2012 it would be that: embracing the greys.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Not been turned into a zombie or to ashes, been the end of the world and all. A lady tried to give me a magazine on the street this week end, the front of it said: 'are you scared about the end of the world?'. I later found out she was a Jehovah witness.Even them are cashing out on the Walking Dead. I guess I'll keep 2012 rolling into 2013.Meet more comic folks, make more comics, eat more bread, you the life.

2012 in Review: Karl Wills

Karl Wills

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

I managed to find enough time to complete the first two Princess Seppuku books, something I haven't done in about 5 years.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I really like the work of Josh Bayer (Raw Power) and Michael Deforge (Lose), Josh's work reminds me of Weirdo, it feels like it really belongs in there, it's dark and funny and the drawing is confident but loose, it looks like it's drawn fast, I'm totally envious of it. Michael Deforges comic is far more controlled but tidy and minimal, also a dark story, his design work is deceptively simple and exquisite, I love that cover Lose #4.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I've been enjoying the films of Takashi Miike, I went through a period of watching everything I could get all at once, and while his stuff is almost always very violent, it was films like "The Bird People in China" that I liked the most, a lot of great characters and lot's of heart.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Just more focus on getting stuff done and out there, I haven't been doing any comic work for a few years and really miss it.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I'm working on a few animation projects that should be ready sometime in 2013, getting back into writing and directing my own stuff again.

2012 in Review: Brent Willis

Brent Willis

 What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Starting my zine (Wark) and getting three issues out within my self-imposed deadlines would be my main achievement this year. Also being at two very successful zinefests in Auckland and Wellington, both very well organised and profitable.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
In March this year there was an exhibition showcasing the works of some very young Wellington comic makers producing some very original and imaginative comics. Watch out for the names of Esther Galloway, Zora Patrick, Theo MacDonald, Sadie Galloway, Joel Spencer, and Michael Sanders. They are already highly prolific and are going to be making significant comics in the future.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Have been enjoying watching Breaking Bad, Embarrassing bodies and anything involving Guy Williams (officially the funniest guy on television at he moment). Haven't seen any memorable new movies this year but at last I have got to see Tokyo Gore Police and For Your Height Only. Favorite music at the moment is the box set of the almost entire collected works of the legendary post-punk-prog-rock group This Heat, (Google them you must.) which I bought for just one dollar from the library when they were doing their annual collection cull. One dollar!? What were they thinking?  And I also had a really nice holiday in Brisbane too.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I still pretty much work the same way as I've always done, although due to my limited spare time, I have stopped doing long comics and I'm just doing shorter stories so can make the two-monthly deadline for Wark. And I bought a small foldable table to draw on, so now I don't have to draw on a piece of paper on a thick book balanced on my lap like I have done for the last twenty years or so.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Doing more comics, More issues of Wark, and doing something for Pikitia Press. Each new year is like a blank piece paper.

2012 in Review: Anton Emdin

Anton Emdin

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

Joining the MAD Parody Club has been a major one.  There are only a handful of us, so I was pretty chuffed (and amazed) to be asked.  (I drew an eight page Twilight parody for US MAD.)

I also received the Stanley Award for Illustration (and a nomination for Cartoonist of the Year).  That was pretty cool.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

I've really been enjoying work from some of the European artists I've met through social networking; Wouter Tulp, Otto Schmidt, Sergey Kolesov, and a heap more.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I've been trying to get a bit more balance in my life this year, as it's been a little too cartooning-centric.  All my spare time has been spent with family; teaching my son to ride a bike (and subsequent rides around the bay) have been my happiest times.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I'm constantly tweaking the way I work - every job is a little different.  I guess I've done a little more digital painting over the past few months, which has been fun to experiment with.
What are you looking forward to in 2013?

A new diary.  I promise I'll keep it neat this time (yeah, right).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012 in Review: Philip Bentley

Phillip Bentley's Word Balloons - Australian Magazine of the Graphic Story Arts

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

The “Station Wagon of Comics” mini tour to Adelaide with Bruce Mutard. Met up with a host of comic types including some I hadn’t seen in 20+ years like Darrel Merritt, Dave Hodson and Brendan Boyd, and some I met for the first time like Greg Holfeld and Dave Follett. Unfortunately comic fans were significant by their absence at the Adelaide Supanova.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Greg Holfeld, in particular his Captain Congo books written by Ruth Starke. Although technically children’s books they seem to have all ages appeal to me much like Tintin. They are amusingly written and lavishly drawn.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

City of Vice DVD: a BBC drama series showcasing the seamier side of London in the 18th Century. Too strong for our sets apparently.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Big Arse III.

2012 in Review: Bobby N

Bobby N

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Starting again after a year hiatus.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?
NEW: Richard Thompson's collection of strips CUL de SAC (great simple cartooning and observational humor)... OLD FAVORITES WHO'VE BROUGHT OUT NEW COMICS: Thomas Herpich's WHITE CLAY (nice brush style, page design and mood)... and Derf Backderf's MY FRIEND DAHMER (Original 'punchy' cartooning style, combined with an auto-bio story about Jeffrey Dahmer. Gold).

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Dorothy Porter's verse novel EL DORADO, and Charles Bukowski's novel HAM ON RYE.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Thumb-nailing using a grid exercise book. It's a bit more organised (visually) for me.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Releasing two issues of DIGESTED, taking more photos, and immersing myself back into the scene.

2012 in Review: DRAW


What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Being invited to contribute to the forth coming issue of Kloaka a Slovak Literature magazine. I'm really excited about this its the first time my colour abstracts have been reprinted. Also this year I've made some of my best comics. Which will appear at some point on my website.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Sorry I can't actually think of anyone. I haven't really been following comics actively of late.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

Most memorable would be classic Doctor Who, The Addams Family, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Lots of 80s films; Hell comes to Frog Town, Street Trash, Gwendoline and too many others to list. Also I've been really enjoying this website:

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Not really. I really just been refining my current methods at the moment

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Making comics.

2012 in Review: Tim Danko

Tim Danko
What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?
Continuing confidence in my work and processes, it is the gift that keeps on giving.

Dylan Horrocks giving me a by-line I will use for all eternity “one of Australasia’s leading experimental cartoonists”. Possibly a by product of my piss poor scant on detail self-penned bio for the N.Z. comics and graphic novels guide, Dylan had to fill in to give it some stature. But it’s out there and I will take it gladly.

It is a marathon, so steady sub 6 minute miles this year which is quite good for the second half of my race (I started slow). Nothing fancy just good honest progress. I  liked having comic work to do all year.

Feels like we are running with the internationals as a group and as part of the comic conversation, which is a long cherished dream becoming a reality.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

Tatang Suhenra was an Indonesian cartoonist a little shrouded in mystery who drew for the Indonesian rental comic market and after initial success with martial arts comics (and subsequent disgrace? decline? Not sure) he had a comeback with a run of mythological Punakawan figures/titles (Gareng, Petruk, Semar, Bagong). He died in 2003, “According to a number of rumors circulating, he died because of diabetes. The disease is suffered because Tatang, who often work at night, drinking carbonated beverages addiction.” (Thank you, Google translate.)

His later comics have an easy surreal mix of the everyday and monstrous surprise occurings. Where the character chases carnal desires (food, women, acclaim) only to have the object of his desire turn into some unspeakable monster. With the odd kung fu fight. And appearance of popular American cartoon figure rip-offs (teenage mutant ninja turtles, batman). Kind of like a randy Jim Woodring in his realist/dream comics. Of course it helps that the comics I possess have passed through many rental hands and strange reproduction processes. Awesome.  

Jessica “Phlegmbot” Dews a local artist (cartoonist? Up to her!). Thanks to Mr Horrocks I had found Jessica’s ‘phlegmbot’ tumblr bristling with her shivery psyche energy images. Much imagery, much media, much fun. Who is to say that a tumblr site is not the futures next digital ‘meta’ meta-comic? I think it is, already. Can’t wait to see what comes next.

Yoshiharu Tsuge. Every year is a Tsuge discovery year. I’m up to 12 years of Tsuge discovery. Keep on discovering. Thank you, Tsuge.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

I have enjoyed finding out about Masao Adachi, a Japanese film maker (and seeing his film ‘A.K.A serial killer- 1969’, a film about a serial killer - without any trace of the serial killer in it).  I have been enjoying my longing to see the Philippe Grandrieux documentary/conversation with Masao  “It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve - Masao Adachi” , sometimes the waiting and finding out is the pleasure. Both film makers have methods that reaffirm my approach to cartooning.

Finding ‘Love Patrol’ a Vanuatu made 4 series TV show that is a cross between first series Shortland Street production values / the wire in its cross society scope / and  public service announcement social messaging. But you know… set on an unnamed Polynesian/Melanesian island. Visiting the company who made it, Wan Smolbag Group, who also put out public service educational comics.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

Trust and faith, lost a fair amount of fear of falling and failing whilst drawing. Drawing and marking to get something new out, rather than for a pre-determined result.  Results come later, with hindsight. It is an ongoing struggle, to forget to look at what you are putting on the page and stop thinking about what it will be.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

Seeing the Philippe Grandrieux documentary “It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve - Masao Adachi

learning French at high school.

Grabbing the Neomad.

Crowd funding my 4 year 48 page full colour completed comic. (low resolution sneak peak tumblr here).

Catching up. Going to something I am in, either an exhibition or a book launch. It’s been six years since I’ve been to something I am in.

“Revolution is also an image. The question is how one turns that image into reality.” (Masao Adachi)

Monday, December 10, 2012

2012 in Review: Ben Stenbeck

Ben Stenbeck cover illustration for North & South

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2012?

I got to spend another year drawing funny books. I had 3 weeks in Europe a few months ago with a bunch of kiwi comic artists.  It took flying to the other side of the world for most of us to find out that we all had a lot in common and got on really well.  Also I started drawing covers this year which i was nervous about but its been fun.

Who are some of the comics creators that you've discovered and enjoyed for the first time in 2012?

James Harren.  Holy crap. His work simultaneously makes me want to give up comics altogether and make more comics. And hes only 25. Massimo Carnivale maybe my favourite painter of all time. Heres his blog with paintings from movies

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2012?

'Adventure time' I cant get enough. And the soothing Viking death metal of 'Amon Amarth'. Dont you judge me, its fun music if you dont take it seriously and just enjoy it. And the game Skyrim, but dont tell my Wife or my editor about that one.

Have you implemented any significant changes to your working methods this year?

I set up a new desk just for Inking.  spicing things up.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I get to draw some stuff later in the year that will be significant for anyone whos been following Baltimore. Ill be doing More covers, Vol 3 Of Baltimore will be released (which might be the best one yet). And another year of drawing funny books! Also hearing all the explanations as to why the world didnt end on December 21st. My money is on no-one considering the possibility that it was all bullshit from the start. It'll be a gas. Merry Christmas.